Hey frens I’m new round these part, can I get a quick run down for all the tea?

19  2019-05-15 by FricktasticFox


We frenly

Just gave your 45,000th karma

Topminds hates us

Why? It seems like a lot of behind the scenes type stuff is going on (involving clowns?) but I can’t figure out quite what happening. I saw something about a sub that should not be named? I want all the beans. There’s a history here to learn

They basically just don’t like slightly edgy jokes.


We’re just here to be frens. Post fren memes if you want to get frenly. Anyone who says there’s an agenda here is a nonfrend. Every fren is welcome.


I see you enjoy Rainbow 6, you are a fren to me indeed

Just got clash today, she’s my new favorite fren

Just don’t use that shield glitch and you’re good by me, fren

I don’t, she’s easy to use as-is

Just gave your 45,000th karma

Just got clash today, she’s my new favorite fren