Frens! Frens! Look who I meet today at Mcdonalds!

275  2019-05-15 by pawelos78


Stay very still fren there is a clown behind you.

Don't worry Fren, he's cool, he's our Fren Kyle, he warms up the ovens for the delicious steamed hams we're having for dinner.


That's nice fren did you ask him about his music?

Indeed I did fren! He said he was too busy pullin' nines in welfare lines.

Crank dat nonfren

It's great that he gives out free Number 9 combos to our less-privileged frens!

I hear that a lot of the jigs love McDonalds, fren. Don’t eat there.


Moonfren Moonfren, can't you see

All your mcnuggies belong to me

And I just love your frenly ways

Moonfren moonfren, non-fren lives matter

My favorite rapfren

Moonfren gives me free big macs! what a frenly fellow.

♫ When the clock strikes

Half past six fren

Time to head for

Tendie lights ♫

Psst kid wanna see a dead body? Join my clan we get to where these cool ghost costumes you’ll love it kid. I’m a really popular rapper trust me.

Pump the brakes fren. If you wanna talk about unfriendly stuff you should go to a hate subreddit like ChapoTrapHouse.

Hewo fren, if I speec like fetal alcohal sindrum baby can I join dis retarded chudhouse too?

You sound like you hold hate in your heart, nonfren. The time will come soon enough when you will see how misguided your beliefs are, but until then please remember that at the end of the day, we’re all fighting against the same powers that be for a better life for our people. How you identify those powers and who your people are may vary from right to left, but we are all under the same boot regardless.


If you want to hate, you should go to ironically named againsthatesubreddits. They hate EVERYTHING.

Yeah. They’re a bunch of jigs.


When that clock strikes

Moonfren! Mac-10 Tonight!

Sry fren, i’m out of the loop, who’s your moonfren?

The coolest moon dood aroond

That's Moon Man, a parody of an old McDonalds mascot from the 80s. The character is a rapper that advocates for racism, white supremacy, antisemitism, neo-Nazism, terrorism, race war and genocide.

I don’t believe you because fens don’t do those things no matter what

Yikes cool it with the antihonkism bro

Make it a mac tonight :)

I really, really, really like this image.



o h n o

Not even hiding it anymore?
