Hey frens quick reminder the weather is getting hotter so make sure you drink plenty of water.

349  2019-05-15 by SinTekniq



Wow fren! You should be a poet!

Fren is a poet...

And he didn't even know it

Sure thing fren. Stay hydrated!

I cant its ramadan fren


Thank you fren! I will stay hydrated

Sorry fren Ill drink water during iftaar

I see, you are a member of r/waterniggas as well.


But fren I am southern hemisphere

Even more important fren! It is easy to member to drink in summer, but winter it is easy to forget the water and have too many sips instead!


It's after 8pm here and it's 81 outside (27c for eurofrens).

this crossover is wonderful

But I am fasting, fren.

Then take a long sip tonight frien! I know you can make it :)

Thank you, fren. Iftar is in half an hour :D

Yay! In the Middle East it’s already 2:30 am frien :)

Yay! In the Middle East it’s already 2:30 am frien :)