Stay out nonfrens

1480  2019-05-15 by Jonathananas


Can I enter fren? I’m really frenly...

Frenly in Cherno?

Can i enter frien?

My small and cute fren 😻

Clowns esp need to stay out

Clowns are frenly. They help us laugh at the unfrenly.

Thank you fren, some frens just dont understand, HONK HONK

I think this is a question of frenmantics, fren.

Honklers help us laugh at clowns.

Clowns are the constituent nonfrens that make up clownworld.

Clowns are just frens who lived too long outside of the pillowfort, among the nonfrens. I know it's changed them, but they're still frenly :)


honk honk!

Nonfren Get out!


knock knock

I am frenly, may I enter?

As a Mainer, I'm going to have to say no, fren.

That's unfrenly fren.

He seems frenly to me.

His username fren i might fucking die

Ever since I made my estate and pillowfort nonfren-frei, things have been a whole lot comfier. No more subversion.

28 Frens Later

knock knock

Me, faking an official fren voice: Hello sir may I enter? Have my passporr...

hands you a huge bag of delicious cookies


Hi frens, I am new here and heard this was a frenly place to be