Last day of school frens!

571  2019-05-15 by kawsican


Not for me. Happy you get summer vacation though fren. Spend it well.

I will sure try fren!

Do fun stuff like water slides.

Lucky fren, I still have a month left

Enjoy your free time while you can, fren. It wont last too long

Bruh i still got 2 weeks left we leave till the last day of may

Wake up fren. You don't want to miss it.

Pet that kitty, Fren. Kitties need love just like frens.

Good for you fren but sadly i still have a month :(

Nice fren, I have a few weeks still.

I'll be joining you soon fren, next week's my last week.

How is your last week going fren?

I just finished it


You are lucky fren! I still have 4 weeks of school :(


Sadly some frens have one month left.

June 7th fren :(

Fren I have only seven more days til school ends I am excited

Ah fren you’re lucky I still have a few weeks to go

Not for the Canadian frens

Tomorrow is mine Fren, then I'm off to college to become a chef

Good luck fren!

Congrats, fren!

Thank you!

I still have 10 days left fren, enjoy summer fren!

I sure will!

Fren... Pls have fon... Ur only young once!

I got suspended for skipping an assembly. Fuck you Ms. C you fucking whore I dindu nuffin. Now my mom is mad and I won’t get my chicken tenders.


Good for you fren. Have a great summer

Lucky fren. I’ve got 13 days left

I have still 10 days left fren.