I think I just failed a maths paper frens

80  2019-05-15 by aGrunut


No worries, study more for next time. Don’t procrastinate!!

Don’t worry fren you’ll be okay, what math class fren?

I was doing some calluses fren, i forgot how to do the integration by parts because i didnt do enuff study

Are you engineer fren?

That’s the goal fren

Then don’t worry, it’s not an important part. Calculus is just to get you familiar with integrals and derivatives. DIFFEQ is the fun stuff.

don't worry, fren. your grades do not determine your worth as a person. but they're important, so don't stop studying!

when I was a kid there was a bro teacher that passed me in my exams because he knew his subject was hard and he saw me studying a lot, even though I didn't get the grade.

Thank you fren, but I didn’t do well because I didn’t work hard enuff this time

You have a problem, you evaluated the problem and located the root cause. Now implement a solution.

You are already well on your way to success, fren!

it happens, fren. it is our obligation to get good grades, but life has much more obligations than this, and life usually overwhelms us. don't be too harsh on yourself.

We've been there fren... several times