All frens in a nutshell

0  2019-05-15 by LordOfCucksOnline


Frens understand humor and irony. We need more frens.

What if instead we were to get rid of nonfrens??


Username checks out

This is the ideal bridge to live under; with Frens. Thank you Frens!

I really don't see why you're taking frenworld so seriously, your lack of tolerance and differing viewpoints is sad. Sure, maybe approximately 12.9% of comments here come from people being intentionally antagonistic and non-friendly but the sub is overwhelmingly welcome to any and all friendly folks who are not just masquerading. Despite the preceding, I hope you can browse this sub with an open mind and account for the majority of posters who are strictly friendly.

To all my little Frenamaniacs, say your prayers, take your vitamins and you will never go wrong. I'll drop the big boot on all nonfrens, brother. - HH

it's not a circle, it's less round than Rian Johnson's head