53 2019-05-15 by IrishGamer3
1 Skelytal 2019-05-15
Don't do it fren, it's a trap!
1 IrishGamer3 2019-05-15
If only he wasn’t completely bluepilled when it comes to guns, he might’ve actually had a chance
1 ExpertSurprise 2019-05-15
I like yang, but the meme died like 2 days after it started bc he didnt want us as frens. Now hes just boring and gets no earned media.
1 isticist 2019-05-15
I still hope he can popularize the issue of UBI, but yeah, his campaign really died when he shunned the memes, and didn't engage with them.
1 cigbhungus245 2019-05-15
Yang is frenly becuz he give money to everyone, not just non frens!
1 Take-The-Honk-Pill 2019-05-15
sloppy job beijing
1 aucunejus 2019-05-15
is that a gloryhole?
no its a yanghole
1 trembling-hands 2019-05-15
It's only once the mouse is caught in the trap that he realizes why the cheese was free, fren.
#getthatbag #chineseoverlords
1 konradthecat 2019-05-15
It’s actually called the honk dividend, fren
1 Skelytal 2019-05-15
Don't do it fren, it's a trap!
1 IrishGamer3 2019-05-15
If only he wasn’t completely bluepilled when it comes to guns, he might’ve actually had a chance
1 ExpertSurprise 2019-05-15
I like yang, but the meme died like 2 days after it started bc he didnt want us as frens. Now hes just boring and gets no earned media.
1 isticist 2019-05-15
I still hope he can popularize the issue of UBI, but yeah, his campaign really died when he shunned the memes, and didn't engage with them.
1 cigbhungus245 2019-05-15
Yang is frenly becuz he give money to everyone, not just non frens!
1 Take-The-Honk-Pill 2019-05-15
sloppy job beijing
1 aucunejus 2019-05-15
is that a gloryhole?
1 Take-The-Honk-Pill 2019-05-15
no its a yanghole
1 trembling-hands 2019-05-15
It's only once the mouse is caught in the trap that he realizes why the cheese was free, fren.
1 Take-The-Honk-Pill 2019-05-15
#getthatbag #chineseoverlords
1 konradthecat 2019-05-15
It’s actually called the honk dividend, fren
1 Take-The-Honk-Pill 2019-05-15
no its a yanghole