My teacher is a non-fren:(

33  2019-05-15 by line------line------

My English teacher says frens are symbols of white nationalism, and it really hurt ya know, I hope you guys can cheer me up.!


I give karma for my frens

thanks fren

Your English teacher has wine breath during school hours and refers to her 9 cats as children.

It’s a guy fren, but he looks exactly like the virgin meme, or a young projared



Of course he does.

I’m 100% serious fren.

What's really sad is that so many teachers aren't in it because they wanted to teach. It's just a job they had enough of the right credits to be able to get. We deserve better. Especially when they start pushing their progressive agenda down your throat.

SWEAR TO GOD!! you’re a smart fren, he also called me and my friends sociopaths for liking 4chan memes.

We've all been through it. You are the smart fren for recognizing it for what it is as it's happening to you. Our schools have been leftist programing centers for long time.

Keep thinking for yourself. Continue questioning assumed authority.

You should always question everything even yourself, stay skeptical fren, also stay safe!

Wouldn't be surprised if it turned out he was banging one of the ladyfrens. I had a ultra liberal English teacher in 10th grade. About 2 years after I graduated HS it turns out he was fucking one of the students. Sad!

he probably is.

Tell her that she’s being discriminatory against a peaceful community

i will fren.