I used my whistle to call my dog. He's not coming back. I think i lost him.

308  2019-05-15 by jayaintgay


I’m sorry fren, try talking to people near you to find out where he went!

Sorry fren, there’s no replacement dog whistles around here. Maybe r/FragileWhiteRedditor has the whistles you’re looking for? Except their whistles might as well be a train whistle.

Im looking for my dog not whistles

He’ll come back don’t worry.

Ask top minds if they heard the whistle. They hear whistles that even the dogs can’t hear

Don't cry Fren, dog is happy now, living with God in dog-heaven. Be happy that he left behind many puppers to carry on the frenworld legacy.

it’s ok fren im sure you’ll find you dog just keep searching i’m sure he misses you

Pro tip. If you ever lose your dog take off the shirt you were wearing with your scent on it. Place it on the ground at the last place you seen your dog with a bowl of water, no food. Your dog will be waiting there in the morning

This sounds good in thought but I think it's very likely to be practically false.

Source: am southern and was taught this by hunters who lose their hunting dogs.

Can confirm

Use my doggy whistle, Fren!

This is sad, I'm sorry fren