Nonfrens keep calling me autistic. Even people i thought were my frens

302  2019-05-15 by Flymp


Autism is our superpower fren. It's a compliment.

do i has to be born with it, or can i acquire this superpower some other way? askin for a fren

Lots of ways for u ur fren to get it! Vaccines, watch lots of TV or play lots of vidya when ur young, and probably other ways I dont know about.

Just mainline some vaccines while playing ur favorite vidya for a long time and you'll be the superest super fren there is!

Do you shoot guns with your feet, fren?

Webbed feet make that hard fren

Are you?

He’s just a good hearted fren

It’s okay fren! There is nothing wrong with autism fren, you are a good fren no matter what

I am autistic and proud.

Im autistic fren, its not a bad thing just means are electrical head mush is wired differently!

You re my frens frens. Don't worry

you an autist? that's bad because you are condemned to a life of honest (unlucrative) work.

How so?

autists suck at manipulating other people. this is a serious retardation, because autists can never take advantage of other people, only being taken advantage of.

Autistic frens are the next step in human evolution. Just as the Predator remake said!

It's ok to be an autist, fren. No shame as long as you are frenly.

I'll be your fren, fren!

I wish I was good at art, fren. You’re lucky