Frens Im transitioning to become more frenly. tanks you frens!

169  2019-05-15 by ahora


100 trans clowns do 40 suibop. I'll flip a coin and brb to see if ur still with us.

Please stay away from my children

Please, stop taking hormones

I’m still going to call you “fren” because that is what you are



But he become moar frenly! not less :)

You look stunning and brave fren

Oh no! I think you might have accidently transitioned into a villain from One Piece!

What do you mean villain? Doflamingo did nothing wrong.

I wish you the best fren

do frenmingo

Came here to comment this

Congrats fren

Transitioning ? Is that like a workout ?

don't be just another statistic fren we are here for you

Stay positive fren. I hope you feel better about yourself after hrt. Just come here if you need some frenly words :)