TopMinds is literally creating fake discords to false flag frenworld

3769  2019-05-14 by FoxDieEeE


Imagine being this autistic and caring over stupid online shit lmao.

This discord doesnt even exist, there are two frenworld discords and both arent this.

Imagine being pathetic enough to care this much over online memes, get a fucking life retards.

Peak autism for sure.


That's not frenly

I wouldn't use Discord, there are alternatives.

Someone replied to you indirectly in that thread and linked a discord.


you should just disavow every discord and say that the only thing representing this community is this subreddit and that all the discords are fanmade and not related

i don't think admins care about "that's not our discord" type stuff, they will eventually punish this subreddit for the actions of discord people if they aren't disavowed

Nah frens, we should claim our discord’s and if it ain’t of of those ones it’s fake.


Claim Matrix fren

You prolly shudnt say those bad words fren. Hate begets hate so b nice. ♥

Yeah why can’t we all be frens together :(

Yeah why can’t we all be frens together :(

Because subreddits have been quarantined/banned for less than this. The NonFren doesn't get the benefit if assumed Frenship.

I can’t take this post serious anymore after this comment. What a 🤡

you got banned from here on your main didn’t you

Oh dang so many dislikes tsk tsk children these days, and to respond to your question. I’ve never been on this sub Reddit before only got a notification from it and decided to respond. This is the second time actually. Last time I commented it was ignored :/

Get help.

Thanks for your concern, I’ll think about it.

Fucking headass

You need help man, are you okay, were you loved as a child, you seem to be so alone that you need to do all this, I hope you're alright.

Wow thanks I love all this support I’m getting :). I’m okay thanks for your concern and I’m not alone just really bored and spend a little of my time responding.

Then fuck off back to where you came from.

Oh wow 😮 not very frenly is it ? My feelings are hurt :’(

I’ll think about leaving then....okay I thought about and I respectfully decline haha. Good day to you too.



sorry you care so much

So the non frens are using throw aways now to show their non frenliness?

It’s ok fren, I understand if you’re shy ;)

We just want to be frens with you that’s all :0

Thanks but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. Also I’m not a “non friend” this account was made for awhile back just happened to use it to comment :)

High functioning autistic here don't compare me to them fren



We're not talking about high functioning fren.

We're not talking about high functioning fren.

FTFY, fren.

Welcome to the pathetic existence of the Leftists

It's not leftists, it's just people who don't know what fun is.

Am I high functioning if I eat crayons?

No you're retarded

Is there any way I can join the Discord server?


“Top minds”

"Retarded Minds"


That was not polite, fren.

when you live off of papa's credit card for hot pockets and pot you tend to lose your grip of reality and generally you have nothing going on in your life. there's a reason why there's so much leftist extremism among these suburban middle-upper class millenials.

They just don't have anything better to do. but i just want to be frenly with them.

When will the actual communists stand up and send these enemies of the working class to the wall


Don't send them here. We have enough problems on our own.


na fam. too nice place. been there.


They have Russia to deal with


hey that’s not too kind fren

Usually I don’t approve mean comments like this...

But I agree, fuck them.

Doge lore cross over episode

imagine the smell

Imagine pretending you aren't a sub full of racists



There is discord, fren? Please give link.

Literally all they have to do everyday all day long is mod subreddits and pop hrt pills while they wait on disability checks.

What are the other two? I am in a discord that looks like this one (though only going off of the sidebar)

What are the discords? Asking for a fren...


Hey fren be more frenly with nonfrens so they forget about their autism

Lol that was a bit mask off of you

A mod that's actually frenly, hello fren! :)



lol that discord was found on this sub on this post.

go check it out for yourself if you think I made that shit up

Imagine being a TMORtard

I stumbled upon the TopCunts once and, Christ, I couldn't last some five minutes in there. What a vitriol fest

Them and the chapo frens


Do not associate them with us, fren

They don’t have any f-word privilege :,(

I changed it fren!

Thank you fren


They banned me in 5 seconds for voicing an opinion that a more moderate leaning is more truly progressive. They banned me. Over a non-offensive comment. Then the mod who banned me muted me after I sent a message via mod mail.

Same happened to me. They are facists fren.



How come it's linked as an adjacent subreddit in the side bar?

For Keks.


I like your joke fren

I’m subbed there for T_D garbage but this shit is making me consider dropping it

“T_D garbage” that’s not very frienly fren. You ever consider that topnonfrens do the same thing to T_D that they do to frenworld?

You can find the T_D posts the top mind threads are about and use ceddit to see the comments that were later deleted that the top mind posts were created about.

Considered it, came to conclusion they don't.

You don’t think it’s possible they are making the comments themselves? Just like they are making this fake discord? You said it yourself fren the mods deleted it so it’s obviously not supported. Just be frenly here friend that’s all. You don’t have to like trump just know a lot of your frens here do like him and we don’t all seem bad here

I’ve been on T_D with an alt, the top nonfrens are correct about T_D. Sorry to say fren, but T_D don’t want to be frens with anyone else.

All these labels, cliques and inside-joke names for everyone is what's going to drive reddit apart.

check it out for youselves then and tell me it's a false flag

They’re schizos


Looks like they forgot to take their meds!


They think that they're part of the greater good, and the ends justify the means.

They're lunatics.

I got banned by them even when I didn't insult them lol. I just said this subreddit looked mostly normal and then I get called brain damaged and then banned. Big oofies right there.

The nonfrens don’t take too kindly to frenliness, it’s ok fren. I try to be frenly to them too but they just do not want to be frens. This makes me sad :(

This is unironically my advice for boomers on 4chan that make grainy image compilations that are grasping at straws.

Woah! Frenworld user MAKES FUN OF SCHIZOPHRENIC PEOPLE! This sub is definitely over now! /s


My mom was more sane than them and she was a druggie narcissistic bitch

Have you considered bullying your mom?

Can’t bully a corpse

Not with that attitude



I'm schizo too but I'm still frenly and so am I!

I know schizos. These guys have them beat.

Mass hysteria.

Hey! Brigading is not frenly :(

Sorry, I just wanted to link it :(

OnLy FrEnWoRlD bRiGaDeS!!!11111

Top minds needs to be more frenly

We'll send some frenly uplifting music to top-minds, that will convince them that they are mistaken, and it will soften their hard hearts.

I agree fren

I got banned from top minds for commenting on one of those anti fren world posts for saying Hewwo? Frens?

They hate frens coz they don't have any frens 🐕


What a sad sack of people, you can kill frenworld but our spirit of frenlyness will never die

Frenworld never dies

like the rhodesians fren?

Let's move all our frens off of reddit. This is a mean place

Working on the treehouse now, fren

Thanks fren :)

Can’t wait to join my frens there🐸

Voat is spooky ,I dont wanna go there fren :(

We can't let the meanies win!

It’s a barren wasteland! Let’s move to a plce where the grass is green

I'll leave when it's finally impossible to troll a leftist somewhere or somehow.

Then I'll hang it up.

Until then...

Epic troll style


They are asking for a fight, TO THE BOP

No Fren... The bopper isn't a toy, it can only be used once, and when it is, the whole place fills up with non frens and vanishes.

Love is the answer.

A mini bop?




Within a 16h time span at that, got any lotto numbers?

18, 4, 1, 8, 16

hello fellow frens, isn't fascism awesome?


Non-fren detected!

wait wait


How about you discuss your love of fascism on the fascism sub


Economist and Programmer +stats +computers +capitalism -reds -statists; talk to me about computers or money.

You sound like a fat miserable idiot from default political reddits.

what kind of asshole dorks consider themselves part of top Reddit’s minds? I don’t get it, is this sub a joke or are they for real?

They fir sure think they’re better than everybody else but the “Top Minds” was originally supposed to be then making fun of conspiracy theorists.

One day the sub became abhate sub and here we are today.

They all think the are super smart.

Well I lurked them for a bit I saw top minds is the subs they’re linking. So they’re satirically calling us top minds of reddit

It was once a joke, then they took it seriously.

To quote Decartes - "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company."

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Oh man, they really latched on this one huh.

haha stay mad

Hmmmmmm so thas how we ended up with drag and tranny clowns, I c.

Oh the irony

Ironic in that clowns always project and try to accuse frens of clownish behavior, never realizing they're just criticizing that projection of themselves half the time.

Yeaaaaaaah, you obviously don't understand the sub, which makes you prime material, ironically.

No, I really don't belong there. It's a retard graveyard. I'd be out of my element.



Risky click.

Nah, it's just a concerned fren


Nonfren get out

Also a tip for future frens

When linking to 4chan use the archives because threads on 4chan die really fast

Where can you join the real fren world discord?

There isn't one.

There will never be one.

Doxcord is unfrenly.

good choice fren

There is none fren, nonfrens making fake ones is why us frens don't have one

Discord is completely compromised. Don't trust it.

The closest you’ll get to a frenworld discord is probably the nullFUD discord that was floating around a while back

They are trying to win the PSY OPS battle by doing this they fool idiots who don't do due diligence before removing/banning.

If you have 10% people complaining and falsifying things, you just have to be louder than the majority. And we all seen non frens after 2016 literally screaming in the streets crying.

These people have never known hardship in life. They have never accomplished anything of importance. They are weak but want to be warriors. They want a struggle to overcome that their privileged life doesn't offer. They are essentially bored housewives who create drama because they have no other purpose other than simply existing.





I always thought that sub was a parody sub of themselves

Any frens know how to find the difference in prices of an item today compared to like 1960s or something like that? I can't find that information anywhere

has to account for inflation, like Top minds and their ego inflation

There is still a problem here

Yeah, nonfrens like you.

The problem is people that put ketchup on Mac and cheese

Jeez those people must be miserable and shrivaled up inside.

Hmmm,an interesting strategy...

This is just karma whoring, I don’t think it’s a representation of the sub as a whole

How much of a societal loser do you have to be to do this in your free time. I’m convinced TMORtards just like being angry. Gives them a shallow sense of purpose.

Regardless of their political affiliation of activism, people with innate emotional problems have to find some way to address the stress caused by their inner sadness/anxiety/fear/pain etc. People who are on the stronger side will introspect, look inwards to try and find the source of their ailment and confront it.

Weaker people are inherently non-confrontational, and this goes for their inner conflicts as well. So rather than looking inward to deal with their problems, they "run" from them, refusing to introspect, immersing themselves in the outside world. To them, their emotions are the consequence of EVERYTHING in their surrounding environment, because they cannot bear to look inwards or to exert the emotional effort necessary to try and solve the problem. Rather than trying to address the problem themselves, they try to attract attention, pity, etc. from others. And because they live in a state of feeling constantly afraid, attacked, hurt, oppressed, etc., they actively seek out real world surrogate "causes" for these feelings so that they can justify their emotions to others, in order to the receive emotional solidarity they require. In short, these are people who wake up every day feeling as though they are harshly limited and demoralized, but have no way to communicate this to others without feeling selfish, and so they do things like antagonize perceived authority figures into hurting them or antagonizing someone into calling them names so that the people around them will kiss their booboo. A bit like Munschausen, except they actually DO have a psychological booboo deep down that isn't being adequately addressed by their community. My opinion, probably started with an instance of their father their mother not caring for them when they got hurt.

when there is no problem, create one so you can have something to whine about


Lel whatever bullshit they make up, they’ll never remove us :) fren world strong. I pray for their misguided, hateful souls.

damn they are so bad at faking it that it looks like 3 jpegs smashed together



lol it's not their discord.

and there's nothing wrong with frenscism

You're part if the problem. Facisim is bad. You are the reason why they keep finding comments and memes with slight racism or Nazism. You are not a fren.

what's wrong with frencism? they keep nailing us because we have a few frencists but topmindsofreddit and chapotraphouse spam the hammer and sickle. Communism killed like 60 million+ people

why is no one reporting that sub for mass brigading and spreading lies about our sub? pretty sure that was also done to r/the_donald now that place's engaged in extreme censorship

what a joke world we live in. communists say the most extreme things and call for genocide and violence on reddit but they never get censored.



level 3

hi fren, I don't know what you're talking about but that's okay, we can all still be frens


communists say the most extreme things and call for genocide and violence on reddit


pretty sure that was also done to r/the_donald

or the advertisers have more pull than right wing basement dwellers


Oh, yo, I got a source for them people saying extreme things and calls for violence, but you might be surprised where it's from. Hint: It's not a communist.


Why would we talk like that among frens

Frens don’t tell lies about frens. Very unfrenly minds of Reddit needs to learn to make frens.

They act as of frenworld is some major output to the world spreading "alt right" "propaganda" and having an impact on real life. Its pretty pathetic aswell how hypocritical they are. Anyways I can guarantee non of them practice what they preach outside of reddit. And as a Latino I can see when theres people trying to white knight for poc and other forms of goofy shit. And that shit aint amusing, not a single minority I know will accept you for that virtue signaling bullshit. Sorry for the language frens



Imagine wasting your time and energy trying to shut down people posting friendly frogs

I saw these guys discussing how r/dankmemes is a bad unfunny subreddit because it makes fun of stuff they like. That's when I realized, Top Minds literally just hates fun in general, and would do anything to keep people they dont like from having fun. Pathetic.

very sad group of people with zero personality and zero frens.

There isn't even a frenworld discord, Top Nonfrens are doing us a bad

I wonder if /u/spez is a fren or a bullee.

"Lol we're so smart. We know whats best and always come to the correct conclusions regarding what people should or should not think. Considering there are Wrongthinkers out there, I think its in the best interest of society that we false flag them to shut them down. Dissenting opinions are problematic and propaganda is scary, considering there are common folks who aren't very smart. Sure, lying and subversion is wrong when it undermines correct opinions, but I think its justified in this case. Myself and several other high IQ, socially aware and empathetic individuals determined that false flagging Frenworld was the best option in terms of expected value. We ran the numbers, taking into account effectiveness and the time we could be using to reeducate others. It feels good to be on the right side of history."

Low “Minds” of Reddit

A) Why do these types of posts always involve some kind of image collage that's been resized so small you can't read anything, without any links to the OP or any kind of tangible proof at al

B) why would anyone need to false flag anything about this place? I mean that's like dressing up as ISIS and shooting someone, to convince the world that ISIS are terrorists.


despite being 13% of reddit topminds is responsible for 50% of the retardation

do we have a discord?

I don’t know



Don't worry frens. They'll get bopped on judgement day.


I fucking lel'd.


Every body report their sub. Non stop harrassment

What is this, a screenshot for ants?

You know, I figured TopMinds was just people being misconstrued over the edgy memes here; but no, they're genuinely full of hatred over an autistic frog meme, so much that they make literal propaganda against us.

That's fucking retarded. They keep this up, their sub is the one that's going to be banned.


How pathetic, imagine caring so much about the existence of this subreddit.

This is some r/karmacourt stuff fren

Discord is for trannies and feds


surely at this point there's some way to have something done about topminds?

Their autism knows no bounds frens...


The worst part is that they think they're in the right for doing this too.



Imagine being so upset over a cartoon frog you make a fake discord because you can't prove it's bad to get it banned.

It's Jussie Smollett all over again. Rich privileged kids who want to feel victimized :(


this makes me sad frens

I’m in absolute awe that people like this can exist on reddit

What if that's a false flag from one of you guys?

This sucks, frens!

how do i join fren world discord?

Why do top minds hate us, frens?

Okay so I'm gonna step out of character for a second.

Can someone explain what's going on this seems like the most retarded kiddie fight I've ever seen and frenworld isn't instigating anything

Your guys get triggered as soon as someone calls you out on your shit lmao.

My facts don't care about your feelings snowflake, sorry if I disturbed your little safespace

Leftists using right wing memes is the equivalent of a12 year old swearing to look cool to the high schoolers. I know you guys think it's a sick burn, so I won't be unfrenly and tell you to stop having your fun, but it's super cringey.

Its almost pathetic how child-like you are acting over this. Im sorry you feel the need to act this way.

Top minds of reddit is so dumb idc what political bs you believe they’re some /r/imverysmart fuckers

"hey guys so we want to get these guys frogposting banned, whats the plan?"

"lets pin fake beliefs on them"

"alright, sweet, we'll do it by using alt accounts and frogpost on their sub, right?

"nah, we'll do it on an entirely different platform! reddit can definitely intervene then!"

topfrens didnt think this through very well, but thats okay, theyre doing their best.

All you retards are crazy.

Stop it.

I'm a little more than one year ago by the way to go back and forth between us and the rest of your life and the death of passengers and their children to get the best way to go back and forth to get a chance to see if you are not the intended recipient of the best way to go to the next few days ago on Saturday.

If only we could all be frens

I got banned from top minds because I commented on a post asking why they are bothering with the frens when they cant stop them. That wasn't frenly at all

This Discord is actually real, or at the very least a clone of a real (possibly unofficial) discord, one that I am a part of. Pretty sure this was a conversation taken out of context (I vaguely remember one similar to this) but again it might also be a clone used to make us look bad :/

this sub never had or will have a discord server.

any subs who claim they are a frenworld sub are not linked in any shape of form with it.

Fight mean with fren. Be nice to all frens and non frens no matter

TopMinds is literally the most hateful group on reddit, and its kinda ironic that a sub created to expose those kind of people now became the biggest sub they post in


Needs more jpeg

Man, these niggas sure have alot of spare time to apend worrying on stupid irrelevant shit.

Bad gamer word wtf

They probably think fren = Far Right Ethno Nationalist


Do we have a discord?

u/oddish_jihad explain yourself

Heckin unfrenly

What does the fake discord say, fren? It’s too blurry to read on my phone




r/frensworld:sneeze r/TopMinds:autistic noise

can anyone explain what is going on?

TopMinds are easy game and they don’t even know it

TopMinds is a hate sub

Frens, please help me, I not understand why bopminds are be meanies to frens


That's not so frenly



Okay, so at least the false flag isn’t that upvoted yet.

No doubt nobody will do a fucking thing about it but let’s hope it slips away not noticed.

u/oddishjihad lil bitch

fake and clown

Oh man, they really latched on this one huh.


They think that they're part of the greater good, and the ends justify the means.

They're lunatics.


It's not leftists, it's just people who don't know what fun is.


haha stay mad


They have Russia to deal with