Frens who likes my mini portrait?

554  2019-05-14 by Take-The-Honk-Pill


A beautiful piece, fren. It feels good having so many talented frens here in frenworld.

wow fren u are the next Van Gogh

Fren Gogh

I title this piece: Bop.

Great job fren!

Would buy this fine art piece my fren

i’d pay great moneys for this mini portrait, but am poor

wait. are you a clown fren?

great fren, make me laf plz. i'm sad :(

That's really good fren, you have lots of talent

That’s amazing fren! Maybe you can make more and sell them to frens :)

Bop the Frews!

Get the fuck outta here

Click the report button next time.

I did

That comment had no reports.

I reported this guy so many times i didn't keep track if i reported this exact comment 🤷‍♂️

You have to have an extreme case of autism to be this bad at “le trolling” a sub you want taken down


How mini is the portrait?

a few Inches

That's so cool fren

where did you find a mini canvas fren?

What's not to like?

True artist my fren!

It looks like he is about to make a bop, hopefully gonna bop the nonfrends into oblivion.

is it for sale


Very nice