dab on the nonfrens

35  2019-05-14 by ScuffedRomanReigns


So kill non frens? Because they disagree?

No kill. Only bop and dab

I mean, his head is cut off and has X's for eyes, but you do you i guess

And where did we say that the fren killed him? There is a big difference between killing and lighthearted revelry over death

Lighthearted? Idk fren. I like the frenworld where we are all frens, even those who disagree with us. No deaths.

Frenship only exists when reciprocated, fren. Honk honk

I believe both sides are wrong. Both are calling for death or suicide. Banning those they don't agree with. That isn't the way fren.

In the end, certain thoughts and ways are mutually exclusive with frenship, such that one must eliminate the former if they desire the latter. Frenship is equivalent to removal of nonfrens in fringe cases

Alright. I'm good with frens. I consider only neonazis, racists and bigots, and those not nice to me as non frens. For now i have only met frens here.

I feel like you’re biased against right nonfrens. You don’t seem to mention left nonfrens, or if you do, you mention them in left nonfren terms.

Bias is unfrenly

Bias is inevitable. I like jokes with dark humor. I'll laugh to a holocaust joke if its good. The right has most people who just want to live their lives. And i'm perfectly fine with that. Radicals are usually non frens tho.

Bias is not inevitable. You’ve been taught that it is, and so you’ve never actually tried to fully overcome it

Being non biased is impossible due to the differences in culture, raising, etc.

The frew thing was a collection of nonfrens starting shit in our glorious Frenworld.

They have been bopped.
