Frens, Am young fren who struggles with work.

20  2019-05-14 by SirNinjaCaboose

Hello frens!

I am young fren who works 10 hour days. I have found that my work is not hard as all I have to do is help nonfrens get cellular service, but my cofrens at work are anything but frenly. They have the IQ of a clown and cannot keep up with consistency frens!

Anyways I am just tired frens. Only a 22 year old fren and my willpower is already fading...

Though I suppose thats the cost of getting nonfrens their funny prizes!

I just wish that the funny prizes from my frencheck could help only the 14 frens in need.


Sorry for rant frens! I hope you have a frenly night and thank you for lending this fren your thoughts and prayers.


Fren do you live in Clownmerica? I assume no because we do not have 10 hour work day usually.

I do.

What are your full time work weeks like fren?

I am still in highschool but I also work a 24 hour part time work week. Regular work week for amerifrens is 40 hours.

I am Amerifren and got bopped into working 62+ hours a week at an ex job and it was no fun. Non fren do not respecc fren home life

Fren this is why we need national frencialism


You have to better yourself fren. idk if you went college or not, but you should look into getting a job doing something more meaningful and personally enjoyable. Many frens get stuck in a rut and think there is no way out but you can always make a choice and a change.

Find something that gives portable skills, retail service is pretty much dead end and replaceable, but if you have skills you can take with you, you don't have to be stuck in the same environment. Learn a trade or learn to code.


they don't like your art. that's ok your art is yours and theres is theres.
