Heard there was some clowns hiding about in fren world.

71  2019-05-14 by IrishGamer3


Good luck fren. I give 🔨 to you for maximum bop.


Clowns are frens, let's be frenly

Frew detected!

What's a frew?

A nonfren

Why is he called a frew and not just an nf or non fren?

It’s shorter than nonfren.

Stfu top minds false flagger

He's trying to false flag us

I came here cuz i wanted my own opinion on frenworld, and i didn't see anything bad. I like the wholesomeness of it. Its just that one word i'm confused about fren



Frew is a fake word made by topmind spies.

But i saw frens use it

Bop them fren

What doesn’t bop you...

...makes you frenlier.

But clowns are frens. They just want to make you smile.

I came here cuz i wanted my own opinion on frenworld, and i didn't see anything bad. I like the wholesomeness of it. Its just that one word i'm confused about fren