More Frens being honored for ground breaking science!

95  2019-05-14 by armaliteisforlovers


What's in the flask, fren

Science juice.

We should share the science juice with the top minds so that they can be even smarter. Maybe then they'll be our frens!

it's a delousing agent, fren

Designing 'medicine' to improve frenkind?

For the betterment of our entire society.

What does Z Y stand for fren?

Secret chemical name. Shhhhhhh.

James Watson and Phillippe Rushton are my favorite scientist frens

Rushton is my favorite too!

“Zy” as in “Zyklon B”

Xylene is an aromatic hydrocarbon based on benzene with two methyl substituents with the chemical formula C8H10 or C6H4(CH3)2.

oh god dammit lolololol

My German cousin frenele was a chemist too.