Saw my ex frens. What should I do? I am sad

41  2019-05-14 by DrSoftHands


Get over it fren! Do something fun and think about something else for a bit. Maybe play some vidya or watch something funny on your computer.

Stay strong fren. we believe in you

Foget about her fren, no use in hurting yourself over her. It may not be easy but time will help, for now try to cheer yourself up if you can, and take it easy

I don't think I'd be able to keep it together if I saw my ex rn my fren so I feel you. Be happy with who you are without her so that way if you do think of her it doesn't matter!

It's not good fren. I stated drinking again, it's hard

Do your best to distract yourself in other ways, I know how impossible it seems and how conflicted your emotions of anger, loneliness, and love are all running rampant in your mind and how fucking shitty it makes you feel. That's okay, that's normal. Just focus on who you want to be without her and do something to get you closer to that. That's what I've been trying to do, grinding out school, trying to get back into the things that I enjoyed doing before she dumped me, all of that kinda stuff. You can do it my fren, you just need to be determined to do it.

This is a wound that only heals over time, fren. I used to see my ex and feel a hole in my chest. Now, I don't care at all.

Time will make it easier. For now, do things you enjoy to take your mind off of it.

One of my exes works as a cashier at a local grocery store I frequent. It does get better.

Go to church fren. Find nice femfren, get married and have frenly children.

The last text I got from my ex was "i found this number in my boyfriend's phone. Who is this?"