Frens only, please.

178  2019-05-14 by The_Russian_Troll


Trump only loves frens! He hates nonfrens!

Hi frens, lets make fren worl great again!

Make frenworld frenly again!


Inb4 Top Minds call us alt righters again

Tfw they believe frenald trump is alt right 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

Frenald trump is nonfren like the rest of them. All politishuns nonfren. >:[

Fren what fren stop

you can't stop progress fren

I fren

You built a wall? It looks nice! I wanna see it fren!

Oof fren this wont look good for us fren.

It’s OK to invite your frens over to your home. It’s not OK for nonfrens to break into your home without permission. This has been the rule of frenliness since the beginning of time.

Right. Like what colonizers did 400 years ago.

That’s what happens when frens don’t secure their borders.

Nobody is currently invading the US.

I disagree.

“Immigration is the same thing as invasion”- you. Immigrants commit fewer crimes than those born here. You won’t believe that fact because it is contrary to your world view, but facts don’t care about your Xenophobia.

I found the chapotraphouse nonfrend. Stop invading our frenly sub, nonfrend.

Ok just ignore facts then that’s cool

Your facts are not correct. The sources you get your info from are not frenly. You are not being a fren.

Cool show me some “real” facts on the issue then.

Sneaking across a border into another country is illegal. There’s a frenly fact for you. If they are such wonderful frens they should stay in their own country and work to make it more frenly.

So like how the British colonists?

Frens must make sure that no colonizing happens again. It’s not frenly.

So you have absolutely no problem with legal immigration? Ok good. Thought for a minute you were one of those “diversity is bad” idiots.

Diversity is great. We should make things as diverse as possible. Future generations should be able to experience all the diversity around the world.

True frens believe in freedom of speech.

Immigrants, not illegal immigrants. Immigrants spend years of hard work and money getting there, so obviously they commot less crimes. Illegals are overrepresented however.

lol you made ur already irrelevant comment seem even more belated by saying it happened 400 years ago



Too bad Trump abandoned his frens who supported him for nosefrens.

Your facts are not correct. The sources you get your info from are not frenly. You are not being a fren.