I don't know who this guy is but he sure is a good dancer!

2942  2019-05-13 by pm_me_anime_tiddy


Guy behind him dances good too

But guy in the blue shirt is rocking it....

He's really owning it. He has a lot of frens

But he dances like his frens aren't even watching

Get the juice go agane

Did not expect xqc frens here



The Elundus Core was a 6.2-kilogram (14 lb) subcritical mass of a previously undiscovered isotope of plutonium measuring 89 millimeters and was previously held in Felix "xQc" Lengyel's basement. It now lives in the depths of yellowstone waiting to explode


same fren, you a xqc fren too?

Yes fren


Any jammers?


Any moxxers?

Nice moves fren


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Damn fren, you rocking out

Blessed video

aw nice moves, fren

very uplifting fren

Made my day fren!

You must make a lot of frens in the club fren

Surprise at the end

this is freaking adorable

Song fren??

Code Black - You’ve got the love

Damn fren, I wanna learn to dance like you. How do?

I'm a bit disappointed it wasn't this sexy fren

pls rember happy dance

can i get a youtube link fren?

I’ll upload to YouTube tomorrow after work fren

Go crazy fren. AAAA

Go stupid fren.

Sick dancing fren! What classes do you take.

Nice username fren



BBYLUV - Childhood fits better imo


Not gonna lie fren, im kinda jealous of those moves

I'm envious of your moves fren.

I thought this was xqcs sub at first

Very cool. How did you aminate dis fren?


He got some moves fren keep it up!

Slick moves fren!

fren goes sicko mode

Nonfrens will never understand the true meaning of LOVE!

Good dancing, fren!

That's quite the jig!

Good job fren

nice dancing fren

He’s black

Shoo nonfren!

He's green

This happens when the life is coming from behind him making your pupils to get smaller to adjust to the light that is coming from behind him, but making your pupils to small to cleary see the person, who is blocking the light, causing him to look black

You dance well Fren!

We hace the best dancers, right frens?

It’s a Frew! Run for the hills!

Definitely have to learn that dance.

Can I dance with you