My therapist isn t answering its been 30 hours. I need halp frens. I Cent do this anymore

53  2019-05-13 by notAbotru


Stay strong fren, try to keep your mind of things and do something you like to do most. Doesn't matter if it's playing vidya or reading a book, whatever makes you feel a little better through these nonfrenly times. Maybe you should call your mother or father or another close family member and tell them about all your struggles so that you may find some support.

I hope that you feel better and happier soon fren. Because it aches my heart to hear from frens like you that they're feeling so bad.

Hey fren, I have been there, when my therapist cancelled a twice-weekly appt. at the very last minute, I was devastated. I thought the whole world was rejecting me. I got so anxious, I called a suicide hotline and talked to a guy named Dave. Dave really helped me to calm myself. Here's what Dave told me, among other things: take a walk to the corner store. Buy one ice cream. Sit down there and eat it slowly. Then go home and have a glass of water and if I needed to, call him back. By the time I did this and got home, the panic and dread had passed. I didn't think it would work- I was in a very dark place, mentally, at that time. But it did work. So, I pass this advice to you. Breathe. It's gonna be super painful and nearly impossible to do this slowly, but take three deep breaths. Try to slowly fill and empty the little space under your lungs- that's your diaphragm. Breathing from the diaphragm should feel almost like you're filling your abdomen with air. That's where calming breath happens- in the diaphragm. Take a walk, buy a ice cream, keep breathing.

But don't call suicide hotline unless you just want to mope and vent a bit, some states/countries will forcibly send you to mental institution if they think you're a genuine threat to yourself, if you are depressed or suicidal, the last thing you want is being dragged into an ambulance and dumped to a mental hospital and being humiliated

Chill, fren.

he's not wrong, it would ruin would be succesful frens or at least severely damage them to have a mental ward stay on their health record

This is really beautiful fren, please stay strong.

It'll be ok my fren we are here for you! Stay strong my fren <3

You can do it fren. We love you and you can doit! I kno its hard sometimes, but I believe you can be strong.

man therapists are a codependency i stand by individualism and freedom, thers a great quote out there, "tough times don't last, tough people do"

Frews will not replace us

Stop. This is no place for that. Embrace the wholesomeness of fren world.


I hate when frens feel bad ;(

Pm me if you want to talk

we're here fren, :)

think of all your frens

You ok fren you're not sayin much

Sorry yes I got saved by emergency Hotline

I posted had a complete breakdown forgot. I was saved by someone calling me back

Hang in there fren

Everything is fine now got an appointment at a psychiatrist and a theraphy session I a fee weeks

Just checking in on a fellow friend everything stil okay

Yes I think so will get real help again in 15 days and meds in a month I just have to not kill myself in this time