A fren hurt my feelings, i don't know how much longer i can take it frens, i don't know

198  2019-05-13 by Flamelol


Hang in there fren.

Stay strong fren

This too shall pass

Remember that fren

Hugs from this fren!!!!

It’s ok fren. Lots of ups and downs in life that just minor inconveniences. Keep up on self care and you be better.

I’m sorry fren

Close the pc, take deep breath and drink nice jug of watr

Remember fren, the good times wouldn't be as good if there weren't bad times. It's an important part of life.

https://youtu.be/C25qzDhGLx8 required watching material for toxic thinking, fren

Thank you, fren

frens don't hurt their frens, fren, hang in there

Its ok fren, we are here to help!

it is okay fren, just do what makes you feel good and you will forget. as long as what makes you feel good isnt unhealthy, you'll be just fine

Stay strong fren!

Remember its not across the street but down the highway