frens i cant wait till summer vacation

122  2019-05-13 by hwngjin


Is that a delicious kombucha fren?

Yes fren! Its my favourite drink

Frens go on hikes

fun times

this picture is about seeing normies having fun outside while you're inside drinking alone and wishing you'd be a lil more like em.

Fren, don't worry. Us frens will hang out with you

Thank you fren! I thought i would be home all summer again locked up in my room.

No way fren! A fren of mine has a cottage by the sea where we can jump from the mountainside into the water, go waterskiing and watch tv when the weather gets bad!

Sounds so fun! I wanna go, fren!!

downvoting the truth :\ :/

Sounds so fun! I wanna go, fren!!