12 Hours of unfrenly PMs

282  2019-05-13 by _sui


stay off r/ChapoTrapHouse , they're all nonfrens

"Races don't exist" Kek

Why do they hate us fren? It’s okay, you always have a home here 💘💘

They’ve become the very thing they sought to destroy. Poor NPCs.

You can report the PMs/comments and block them, but it's most likely not going to do anything. Admin nonfrens are much more concerned with banning subreddits that allow too much free speech.

Oh, well as long as the world would literally benefit then say no more.

I hope they were dealt with correctly.. but i have extremely high doubts anything happens to nonfrens

seriously now, are they really that sad and butthurt? who hurt them man, i used to be a nonfren but got introduced to this community and loved it. why can't all nonfrens do this too :(

Its okay fren. Only miserable people say such nonsense.

Bop clowns, not yourself

Look at all the sad, miserable people trying to make themselves feel better by acting like edgy 13 year olds.


chapocels sure do project a lot


Yeah those people seriously need to be banned from Reddit. Did you report them?

not yet

report me, coward

Dis nigga finna get bopped on


report me, nonfren







We can remove you and your comments from Frenworld.

And the Admins can remove you from Reddit.


Fuck off.

Funny thing is irl these people are probably actual genuine losers working a low paying job, no one happy with themselves and life would hold that much hate

Wasn't there a survey on r/socialism that found out most of them were unemployed and uneducated lmao? Socialism is truly an ideology of the weak.

They need the redpill. More importantly tho, they also need the frenpill

The redpill will spread in due time. The truth will win

All they need is frenliness

And lived at home.

r/chapotraphouse had similar results in their survey. Truly life's losers. Something like half were unemployed, 30% working min wage jobs, and like 20% trannies or other sexual deviants camwhoring. It's so obvious that they're resentful. It's embarrassing!


Of course they are lmao

what a frenly subreddit.

Trannies want to harm children, trannies aren't frens :(


im trans you nonfren. You harass me though.


trannies or other sexual deviants



They're very unfrenly indeed :((

Non frens really say the same thing over and over

Makes you think frens

just like the characters in video games!

Npc meme revival?

I begin to think it wasn't just a meme

a good meme has its origins in fact

they bop you because they have been bopped, this is how the bop perpetuates itself, stay strong fren

"Or I'll fuck your dad"

Serious ultimatum here

Don’t see how that would even be a problem


How do I delete another fren's comment?

Very unfrenly. I have a photograph of these nonfrens: https://i.imgur.com/8KuPTI6.jpg

Don't worry, fren. Your frens are always here for you. Sticks and stones will break my bones but unfrenly words will never hurt me.

Legitimately disgusting nonfrens.

Tranny-ism has increased from 1 in 15,000 in 1978 to something like 1 in 17 today, according to a survey of college students. Anyone who thinks this is somehow "natural" is deluding themselves.

what the hell

Imagine sending random kys and death threats to random strangers on the internet.Honk honk fren.

They’re just triggered internet losers, fren. I would just block them, and whatever you do, don’t kill your self over these losers



These are the worst kind of people. They don't realise that words are powerful, that telling someone to kill themselves might have severe consequences in the real world. This isn't 2016. People should've moved on from telling people to kill themselves a long time ago.

They don't care, they really want people to kill themselves. I only continue posting to expose their hypocrisy and I'm more than happy enough with my life.


kill yourself

No doubt they’re from “Against Hate”. The irony.



But frens, aren't we supposed to be the hate sub? I don't understand the situation here...


oof... that's a bad look for you sweetie. Gotta be a yikes from me fren.

do better.

Yeaaaaah that’s a yikes from me. Cringe


>it's capitalism's fault

>if it wasn't for mcdonals blacks would behave


Nonfrens know not what they do. They hate frens because they ain't frens.

I don't say this is justified but you do say some questionable stuff, you must admit.

Why do they call us notsees? I thought notsees were nonfrens. Why wont they accept us.

Your post history is a little strange there fren...

Yeah we all know that chapo is a sub filled with hate, but looking at the post history, it seems our OP fren is legitimately spreading hateful ideas as well. Literally posting on a “white world order” subreddit about the inferiority of black people. We need to tread carefully as people like these are exactly why there is such a movement to shut down this frenly place.

Who cares? You think anyone hand-wrings and pearl clutches about all the black supremacists who think they're descended from Egyptian Kings and are convinced that white people are literally genetic mutants created by the devil?

No, because only the left pretends like ideas by themselves are dangerous.

More to the point: he isn't being unfrenly here, so who cares what he said in a completely unrelated conversation? Do you ask people what they talked about last night with their spouse before you decide it's okay to have a conversation with them?

I just think it’s a little dumb to actually engage in subs like op and then play the victim when they get sent hate, don’t get me wrong, I think the stuff they sent op is vile. And about that whole “black supremacists” thing, just because I’m calling out op for his activity in white supremacy groups, doesn’t mean I don’t disagree with black supremacy, nor does one make the other correct. They’re both bad.

I just don’t like the victim game fren

He is a victim though. Nonfrens are harassing him and telling him to off himself, which is nothing I've ever even thought of telling even the most virulent nonfren who argued with me.

Counseling suicide is illegal in virtually every other English speaking country and a good handful of states.

i only told the owner of that sub that White people aren't superior.

Bunch of npc cucks

What a bunch of miserable pieces of shit.


r/chapotraphouse what a shit subreddit

How unfriendly, bop them all. Bop them good!

fren I hope you are doing a-ok

As you being someone who posts to white supremacy subreddits I don’t think you should have some of these comments up here like you did nothing, Suicide shouldn’t be wished upon anyone so those deserved to be up there. That being said you deserve some of these comments.

at least i don't search up people's profiles, go through their comments, and then post on a new subreddit just to harass them.

also I'm definitely not a white supremacist.

“A seperate space for every race” - _sui

if every race mixed, none of them would exist anymore. We should all have mutual respect for eachother because it would be sad if every kind of people stopped existing, fren.


Idk why I’m coming back to this but I kinda understand now. Many people of different backgrounds have their own unique cultures with their own unique (and often conflicting) values, and that isn’t something that should be frowned upon, but neither segregation nor assimilation should be forced upon people by the governent. It seams many people are frustrated that one is so heavily punished by the law, while the other is forcefully pushed onto everyone. IMO, the laws should be balanced so that people aren’t discrimated against just for their backgrounds or beliefs, which we all have a right to, while making it so people with conflicting cultural values aren’t forced together. For instance, people should be allowed to voice their disapproval of some aspects of Muslim culture (such as the extreme sexism and it’s strong judgement of outsiders,) without being punished for it, but not allowing an employee to work for you for no other reason than being a part of that culture should be illegal.

that's basically what everyone is hoping for

I only quoted you, yet for some reason you fealt the need to defend yourself. Hmmm.

because that is your first post here, fren. And why else would you "quote" me out of context?


You only quoted him, yet for some reason you felt that was making a point. Hmmm.

so what nothing wrong with that statement

what the hell

Yeah we all know that chapo is a sub filled with hate, but looking at the post history, it seems our OP fren is legitimately spreading hateful ideas as well. Literally posting on a “white world order” subreddit about the inferiority of black people. We need to tread carefully as people like these are exactly why there is such a movement to shut down this frenly place.

Legitimately disgusting nonfrens.

Tranny-ism has increased from 1 in 15,000 in 1978 to something like 1 in 17 today, according to a survey of college students. Anyone who thinks this is somehow "natural" is deluding themselves.

at least i don't search up people's profiles, go through their comments, and then post on a new subreddit just to harass them.

also I'm definitely not a white supremacist.