Frens, how do you stay positive in a world where nonfrens think it's silly to be frens? nonfrens care more about GoT spoilers or cape movies rather than trying to preserve the frenship that built this world =/

103  2019-05-13 by 14Einsatzgruppen88


I know in my heart fren that their are actually a lot of frens out there but they don’t talk out or stand up to non frens. Or are scared because of the hostile nonfren world we live in. Buck up fren we have a world to preserve.

a lot of frens think that it's a good thing frens are dying out because its bad to be frenly =/

They are oblivious to the truth fren don’t let them dissuade you. Welcome it they know what is plainly stated yet mindlessly choose to ignore it. This will be there inevitable downfall.

i'm not dissuaded fren but how can we build a frenly world when a good amount of frens think this way

Fren we live in a world under the impression of lies that is increasingly hostile the push back has only begun before we find fren retribution. For now we must lead by example engage but not destroy. Truth will always prevail. A new day will dawn and the sustainable fren world will commence.

i hope you're right, fren

Lots of people have been brainwashed with unfrenliness cause of unfrenly media! But we know that frenliness is the truth and it will win out, but I think we have to do and do our part and spread frenliness fren! Keep it alive in your heart and lets make frenly media and spread it around. I think more and more people are realizing that frenliness is the way to go! We can do it fren, I just know it! :)

I think so too, but so many potential frens think that the truth is in nonfrenly behavior because nonfrens control the media

That's true fren. We have to be smart and give them the fren pill little by little. Sometimes the fren pill is too much to handle all once for people who have been seeing unfrenly media all of their life! Of course some people will always be nonfrens sadly but I think there are lots of potential newfrens :) We just have to find them, and be smart and help them with the fren pill. As a good fren once said "so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves" :)

but a lot of potential frens literally dont care at all. they're content with seeing frens being eradicated as long as they get to eat their dinner and watch game of thrones



I know that I am never alone, because the spirit of my frens is with me. I want all my frens to know I am always with them in spirit. But I don't watch them pee or anything weird like that.

What do you mean fren

It sounds like you're suffering from the bugman blues

We just need to not even acknowledge the nonfrens existence. The less attention their echo chamber receives the less power they have. Their only power is gaslighting. If we stop giving them attention they lose this power. In the end it will show that these people are not “normal” and only a very small percentage of potential frens falls in their group.