Frens I am having trouble breathing and I don’t know why, this is scary :(

22  2019-05-13 by bigdaddyhashbrown



Hey fren, I used to have this when I was younger. Hopefully it goes away soon. If it gets bad then try and see a doctor fren about it, you might have allergies or need an inhaler for a bit. If it's really bad go to the emergency room! But normally it should be fine fren. Keep an eye out on how you feel and notice if it's getting worse or just sort of staying the same. I've been sort of experienced with being worried about something but it usually turns out to be fine. And if you worry a lot try not to google stuff. If you google any symptom it always comes out as cancer :)

You'll be fine fren! Take it easy and relax or try and go to bed if you can.

See a doctor fren!

Could be an Asthma attack, do you smoke?

No, I occasionally use a weed pen but that’s it. And I haven’t used mine in over a week, plus it’s been going on for 2 hours now. Big oof fren

do you have a fren with aburetol inhaler? will help you fren

Is it harder to breathe in or breathe out fren?

Both, it feels like my lungs are super weak

See a doctor. I don’t care how much it costs, it qualifies as an emergency.

Ok fren

Make sure you burp fren!


You might have allergies my fren

Open your mouth

rest for now, fren, but when you feel better, hit the treadmill!

Both, it feels like my lungs are super weak