Why are they doing this to us frens?

1004  2019-05-13 by ExpertSurprise


stay green my frens. if we dont mix with other colors we can survive the great boppening.

Diversity is beautiful

Preserve precious diversity by keeping the colors separate


separate is beautiful. we have a right to exist!

i see no great boppening in sight, fren. are you sure its not a buncha hoopla?

I’m a faggot loser idiot clown and I’m working up the courage to kill myself, I think I will do it before the end of the year. I hate my shotskin clown family and have already cut them off. I’ve suffered a lot in my life but I understand why you all hate me. Let’s hope I burn in hell for all eternity. HONK HONK

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Fuck you I deserve this, I’m the reason the world is such a terrible place for frens

Hey, calm down. We all descended for Adam and Eve. The problem in the world is sin, not you. Don't, for one second, think you're special enough to cause the worlds problems.

I have original sin for how I was born, my existence is a stain on this planet and this great nation. I deserve every bit of hate, I see that now.

What did you do that you think you "deserve every bit of hate"?

Are you drunk?

I was born not white to a not white family it fucking sucks

Touch the flower 🤡💐




"First off, I am a white person myself, so allow me to get that out of the way. I’m extremely glad that the white race is dying, and you should be too. White people do not have a right to exist. Period. That may sound like a bold statement, but it’s entirely true. "


What the heck frens, all races should be allowed here.

This nonfren has no place here, however.

But call him a nonfren, and see how he recoils...i've been found out

This has to be a low effort parody, right frens?

Apparently not. I stand corrected. Wow.

Honk honk

Every time



WOW, cool it with the anti-honkism bro.

not all clowns honk.. but all honks come from clowns

It's the 6,000,000,00,0000,00th time this happens, though. Should frens keep eyes closed?

Sauce fren so I can bop the creator

Nothing remarkable about the name of the author

This is an obvious LARP lol.

That my Fren is literally hate speech and a threat to humanity as it is

🤡🌍 to the maximum.


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Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


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Frenocide is real

Gradually, I began noticing things.


Like what?


Strangely small hats

WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I hope you're not implying anything nonfrenly, fren

thank you for keeping things diverse and inclusive u/14Einsatzgruppen88

Of course. He wants all 1,488 kinds of frens to be frens together, all over the wide world.

Pure coincidences

It's just a Cohencidence

Gradually, I came to laugh at the clowns.


Cool it with the anti-clownic remarks bruh

And everyone starts screaming at the screens

Ok frens I just had to comment just how messed up that article is :(

Link to the article fren?

But no, frens are not see. Pfft. Only frens can see this

They’re “””frens””” too ya know, they just want whats best for frenworld :^)

Let them into frenworld 😍😍😍


The nonfren cries out as it strikes you.



Why are they being mean to us. we just want to be friends

Becuase Pepe is an alt-right meme used to perpetuated toxic ideas that will ruin our society.

Tfw a frog brings an end to the West

Clownfrens are better than the top 'minds' of reddit, we would never do something like that

Source: Am i clownfren

Honk honk buddy!



You misunderstand the "top minds" moniker. They don't call themselves that. They sarcastically use that to refer to their targets.

From the article

First off, I am a white person myself, so allow me to get that out of the way. I’m extremely glad that the white race is dying, and you should be too. White people do not have a right to exist. Period. That may sound like a bold statement, but it’s entirely true.

She doesn't sound like a very nice fren.

Hello fellow whites, aren’t you glad we are going extinct haha me too because I am totally white you see

Shape shifter.

(((white person)))


She is no white person when she's with her special frens behind closed temple doors

Holy shit that is toxic, there’s no way that’s legit

Its a shape shifter.

Yeah but we are the bad guys when we don’t want the white race genocided lol these are the people we are dealing with

Self inflicted gay

(((They))) are worse than non-frens. They want to globalize non-frenship.

why would they do that to the frogs :(

And suddenly, for no reason at all...

Frens put mustachefren into castle.

A quote from the article, “White people do not have a right to exist. Period.” Luckily people know when someone has gone too far so the article was reported, but you can still read it. It’s disgusting.

Nonfren: death to frens!

Frens: excuse we, you can't do that

Nonfren boss: sry we fix of course haha lol

Nonfren: death to frens!

We must secure the existence of our frens

Read the article lol. Imagine having to live with this much hatr

Not gonna mention it



WOW, cool it with the anti-honkism bro.

Fuck you I deserve this, I’m the reason the world is such a terrible place for frens

Honk honk buddy!

It's just a Cohencidence

You misunderstand the "top minds" moniker. They don't call themselves that. They sarcastically use that to refer to their targets.