Nonfrens keep asking me to post my hogg for some reason, so here it goes!

228  2019-05-12 by ExpertSurprise


Nice hogg fren

Thamk u fren, he is vry koot.





Hes a good boye

Holy cow that second one,

The drunk version of yourself is possibly the truest representation of who you are. They ADMITTED to being hypocrites and overall bad people. I bet if they hadn’t said they were drunk they would have been banned.

Not all rapists are male feminists, but all male feminists...

I wish. This girl cuddled with new whole she was drunk and will likely never do it again

That was the saddest collection of screenies I've seen from incels and this is coming from someone who once frequented braincels and inceltears. I guess HRT + incel is a really bad combo.

wait what is that all about? I got a random DM from some guy like 2 weeks about saying something along the lines of "i'd ask you to post hog but I don't like interacting with children" are chapcels literal p3d0 f words or something?

One retard went on their sub saying some strange statistics or something and then posted a picture of his dick I think. Now I guess in their minds, people who talk about uncomfortable statistics is actually a crazy perv who just wants to show people their penis. It doesn’t make a lot of sense, but then again they’re all a bit slow.


Cute hogg!

they don't even believe my selfies are real. I feel bad for nonfrens.

look at this:

Fucking weirdos in the comments though hahahah

Is his name David, fren?


Holy cow that second one,

The drunk version of yourself is possibly the truest representation of who you are. They ADMITTED to being hypocrites and overall bad people. I bet if they hadn’t said they were drunk they would have been banned.

That was the saddest collection of screenies I've seen from incels and this is coming from someone who once frequented braincels and inceltears. I guess HRT + incel is a really bad combo.