Celebrating my 2k karmas with my frens in an upvote party!!!

27  2019-05-12 by AmbitiousAmbition

I will be giving away bunch of orange upward arrows to make internet strangers (which we call frens) happy!


I give you orange arrow two fren

thanks fren! back to you!

Me me want updoot

I upvoted every comment on here frens!

grap your upvote fren!

Congratulations fren! Keep earning those fren points :)

thanks fren !

but fren isn’t this karma whoring

downvote me to hell for the love of god

bad argument, u/TrumpHammer_40K

yay free karma, frens

isnt it tasty,fren!

Congratulations on all of your fren points! You’re an inspiration to frens like me that are still working to get there :)

keep going fren! never give up on gaining fren points!!

Good job fren! Hope you have a very frenly day!!

thanks good friend!!

yaaay! happy 2k fren

thanks fren!

fren points woo