AHOY MATEYS! Me and my frens are hunting for treasure, come on board!

2451  2019-05-12 by Flypflap91


Quite the crew you got there! I'd love to join fren :) When do we set sail? Do I have time to bring tendies?

Tendies come pre-stocked fren!

I was scared that we would have to eat hardtack, tendies are alright with me!

Yarrr fren I’m ready for a trip to Somalia let me grab my squirt gun 🔫

I'm scared fren, hold me. I don't want to be burdened by hate.

It’s ok fren, we’re safe on international waters. No one can hate you out on the open ocean!


I know fren, it's not the lash I fear, it's the divine power.


Hi fren! Ready for adventure!

Let's sail the C's together friens!

Great idea fren. The not seas will never get us there.

Permission to board fren?

AHOY, board right ahead fren!

Yay! Fren time adventures!!

Ahoy fren. I, Frenbeard, request to join your vessel and sail the seven seas in search of the tendies of youth. My I climb aboard?

Ahoy fren, I have barrels of dewy to bring aboard for our voyage.

I love frenworld

Aye aye, Frentain!


I wanna come in

Also funnily enough bought sea of thieves just today

Do we pillage or spread frenlines?

Us frens do not mean harm, but if in danger and with a low supply of tendies, pillaging will be necessary

I broht pizza rolls and caprisuns !!

Aye captain!

It would be me honor to voyage out with the notorious Frenbeard, himself!

yo ho yo ho a frenly life for me



aye aye captain


Aye aye captain!

definitely gettin on board fren! rawr! hol up was it rawr or arrr

This sub just makes me smile everytime I see it on my frontpage. Thanks for making me happy frens! You guys are awesome ♥️

Can I come aboard fren? I want to sail the seven seas too!

Of course you can fren, thats why we stopped by this harbor!

Yaaaay all aboard the fren ship toot tooooot

bronze age fren told me to embrace the piratical spirit

We're the captains now frens.

Where to now!

What kinds of treasure, fren?

The One Piece Treasure matey 🏴‍☠️


Me listening to modern music: Yarrrr no good

Me listening to 1700s sea shanties:

My mom says I can go as long as you frens can drop me back off. Let’s go frens

That's a nice fren-ship you got there.

Thank you fren shall we set sail

Remember to pack some yummy fruits and veggies to avoid scurvy!

May I join Frenptain?

Fren, Can I see your parrot

🎶 Come aboard! And bring alooong, all your hopes and dreams! 🎶

The real treasure is the frens we make along the way


Aye-aye cap'n fren!

I can't go to yemen im an analyst!

Yar pegbeard the pirate reportin in

Just a side note, I fuckin’ love some of the edits you frens come up with. They make me smile everytime.

i did not make the edit fren, i found sailing across the vast seas of the internet.

Yep. This may be the frenliest place on the internet.

We are the captains of our own lives now.

Why bother looking for treasure if the greatest treasure of all was right there from the beginning? Our frens.

hey, that's me fourth from the left :)

🎵We’re off to see the wizard 🎵

Can I bring my blanket and gun

Aye, may I politely join me frens?

If the treasure is new frens i'm in

Plz don’t hurt anyone, frens.

The real treasure is all the frens we make along the way!

What we looking for fren? The one piece?

can i be the monkey

Can I join with my longnose frens

To poland my frens

Great idea fren. The not seas will never get us there.

I was scared that we would have to eat hardtack, tendies are alright with me!

AHOY, board right ahead fren!