Frens dont forget its Mothers Day. Tell your mommy you love her.

1051  2019-05-12 by MrSmrtkas


Mothers are the best frens

I luv u mummy

wholesome post, fren. Sometimes mothers are our first frena

Or him/they don't be a fucking assholes by suggesting that only women can be mothers duh!

You're trying too hard, fren

Look at all those idiots to dumb to spot sarcasm #honkhonk



My mom and a few of her relatives are the only women I respect.

It is not möthers day here frens

Fren, I don't like my mom, wat do?

Why not?

She's really mean and I don't like spending time with her, fren

Sorry to hear that fren. Treat yourself instead!

Thank you fren. I'm playing minecraft with my dad, it's way more fun than anything I've done with my mom.

Good to hear! Have fun!

Good plan

is she mean intentionally or is it a result of a bad life or something else?

I don't care why she's bad to me, she ruined my life and there's no excuse fren. I've come back from it, but my life would be so much better if she had bailed on me right after she birthed me.

i'm sorry buddy, i was trying to understand, i'm glad you've succeeded

It's alright, fren, I understand.

Honestly, she constantly talked about how much worse her childhood was mine, to show how "good" I had it when really I was miserable. She probably had a bad childhood too, but I don't really care. Abuse begets abuse and I'm going to stop that cycle.

Abuse begets abuse and I'm going to stop that cycle.

based as fuck

The only kind of based as fuck I ever want to be


I am gril, fren. You are a good boy, fren. I love you

:) thank you fren


i love my mummy

How much you wanna bet non-frens never wished their moms a happy Mother’s Day frens?

Thanks for reminding me fren

MSM: "The alt right loves their mothers so you should stop"