Went out in the forest with my thoughts frens...

260  2019-05-12 by hohosixsix


Nice painting

That looks nice fren, hope you had many good thinkings.

I love going out in nature too fren, relaxes my mind. Actually I should go tomorrow for a bit if the weather is good! Thanks for the idea fren :)

Looks peaceful fren!

What thinkings did you have fren?

That I doubt my own mind and the entire world around me. I could be thrashing in a psychiatric ward, luicidly dreaming and would never know the difference. That I don't know where the world should go but definitely not the direction it is now. It's hell

To have this real of a hallucination, would be almost impossible since you’ve never experienced anything outside of this “hallucination”. Less spooky thoughts, and more positive ones fren!

You use big words fren. But I understand. I feel the same way some times. But everything things turns out okay. And if it’s not okay. Then it’s not the end fren.

I hope you feel good emotions that you, a smart fren, could describe with big words.

From a fren

Frens!Get off the road!