Nonfrens are on strike right now, too bad it’s not a hunger strike

498  2019-05-11 by shacklefordcommarus


God damn they all look like Vlad Harkonnen.

the Frens must flow!

*Vlad Honkonnen

How you get that fat

not having frens to reinforce healthy habits

good god, no wonder they're so bitter, imagine having to live as an abomination


I don’t like this fren :(

I dont feel so good after looking at them buttcracks

Hoes mad

What are they striking, fren?

Lady frens are mad they can't pre-bop baby frens in Alabama or Ohio

Lady NonFrens*, Ladyfrens aren’t like this

Who would bop a babby??????????

Non frens, apparently!

Don’t worry fren, they will all be dead before they hit 50. You don’t see too many 300 lb 60 year olds walking around do you?

I mean maybe not walking but scooting around in little carts

😂 LMAO!! Those are the select few whose hearts didn’t explode when they devoured their 55th birthday cake whole. They are like Jedi’s, but they won’t make it very far into their 60’s.

Healthy at any size! Honk honk!

Mark as nsfw

Mark as nsfl

Frens, that pic is gross.

Damn clowns look like THAT?

Am I on the honkler right now? please keep this in your sub so we don't get banned along with you.

as long as it isnt too unfrenly, why not

Fat blobs shouldn't have rights

Agreed fren


This sub is just an incel circlejerk.

No fren detected

What is in-cell?

🇺🇸 Bruce Frensteen Glory Days intensifies


Oh, look, a topmind nonfren.

u must looove fat women nonfren

What's it like going to bed sad and alone every night?

You tell me fren

Oink oink nonfren!

im not alone, I have my anime bodypillow to keep me nice and warm :)

Is that why your here?

thinking blobs of meat are gross (men too) = incel

ok lol

You don't have to be an incel to hold the opinion that fat is ugly

Are you the fat fren?

Inceldom is a religion of peace

The one on the far left looks like she's melting. Hope they get healthy before it's too late.

oh god, you're gonna have the topminds and againsthate people mad as fuck.

Sick fren, I can't believe they think themselves to be healthy

Fellow frens, I agree in the sentiment that this is not very good but, we mustn't allow this to reach the front page! We will be STRICKEN FROM THE REDDITS IF WE DO SO FRENS!!! WE MUST PRESERVE FRENS WE MUSTn't ALLOW THIS UPON THY FRONT PAGE! THIS IS NOT TRUE TO OUR FRENLY NATURE!

I agree fren. Before the topmindsnonfrens started with their lies, frenworld was never like this

Zoidberg on the left

Thats not very nice fren we are all beautiful to those who care for us

Yeah, uh, fren? This is honestly a bit rude :o(
We gotta keep people thinking this is a frenly subreddit! Don't give the nonfrens ammo!!

Fren, please pass the nonfrenscorcher

Real frens have curves. Lots and lots and lots of curves.