We must secure the existence of our tendies and a meal for every fren!!

262  2019-05-11 by SKiiiDMark1


That's right fren I'm hungry!

mmmmmmmmm ..... tendies and future for frens

we must not let our tendies hit the floor

Every dropped tendie will be avenged

Tendies are best when they are cooked by mommy.

Especially with some honey mussy!

Can we also secure a future for frens and fren children?

Of course!

Get me in the screen shot top minds!

Zoom my words

Caring about your children is right wing extremism

I’ll have a number 1 and my fren will have the number 4.

That would be $14.88!

Ahh dang it friend, I really wish I had an a SS istant with more money...


Those look like some really nice tendies fren, I have to say! :)

Nope, no cryptofascism here. None at all.

Nonfrens think trendies are fascism

Mods please bop

96% upvoted

Pack your bags frens, the nonfrens have arrived!

Not to be rude fren but y’know the title will have non-frens swarming in like this one here apparently. I see no reason in choosing a title similar to the cryptofascist one the non-fren is referencing so why create a bad image?

Its funny to see them sperg out

Why tho, there’s still gonna be some crazy mutherfuckers who take this seriously. I just don’t understand that type of sadism for lulz.

Well thats quite the hyperbole but those who take it seriously and start reeing about a dead political movement in a clearly satirical sub are considered lolcows to milk.

Makes sense. So we milk ppl who don’t understand this sub is satire?

Well that and the more barriers are put up around what is and isnt acceptable speech the more that distinction should be ridiculed. The best way is to make the defenders of that distinction look clownish. So frenworld, where everything is friendly and wholesome is being smeared as a place of hate.

You’re right, everything is wholesome but there are still discussions of less satirical politics sometimes. I don’t think they should be banned, it’s just I’m saying why here? If you are gonna make political satire why do so on a wholesome sub

Well the roots, or popularization, of apu apustaja where created in a political environment so people who engage with it are likely to have interests there aswell. A common trait amongst subscribers if you will. Then there is the greater environment this sub exists in, reddit, which has grown increasingly political across the boards with powermods consolidating power to push out wrongthink. So subject matter gravitates to politics or social commentary aswell because that is where the juice is. Its the friction that drives creation.

I get what you mean. I guess I can just enjoy the wholesome posts then :)

And you should and create them aswell, people are over saturated with politics in their media diets its nice to just be silly every once in a while

Makes sense. Most of them are just created in MS paint anyway right?

Yeah with .png templates for uniformity

Good, thank you then

Have a nice day fren

Nope, no mental diseases here. None at all.


It's very clearly a silly take on the 14 words though... would "we must seize the tendies of production" be """cryptocommunism"""?

those look good fren but they don't look crispy enough

The poor chickenfrens though

Good, thank you then