hey frens, what do you think of my painting?

312  2019-05-11 by SnoomanGuy


Eh. I think being an architect is your true calling fren

He probably can't do buildings, but what about being an architect of great frenly nations?

That’s a nice painting fren.

Its great fren, i’m sure you’ll get in to artschool :)

it's beautiful... cuse' you are in



maybe he can find another hobby he is good at, maybe building roads?


make lots of summer camps, everybody likes swimming pools

thats a good idea, maybe add some movie theaters too

Just don’t do politics, and we’ll be fine Fren.

but what if hes good at them? im sure he will do good as long as hes really really frenly

Very nice

Shut up retard

You have a great future ahead fren. If art school doesn’t take you I bet you can help the world some other way.

I hear France is lovely, we should make it extra frenly though

Maybe join the military.


is nice fren. You live in europe?

Looks like a very nice place for frens to live

Shut up retard

Is this hitlers painting?

No this is fren’s painting it says it right there in the title >: /

Our fren told you he painted it, whats your problem why be unfrenly?

He just asked a question, fren





You should apply to a European art school fren!

I like old school architecture, don't you fren? Modern architecture just isn't as comfy in my opinion!

It’s too metropolitan, too business-esque

That's a gorgeous painting fren. Very talented of you to paint that.

Shut up retard

Why sky dark but buildings light?

Aesthetic choice, perhaps?

Aesthetically you’re a retard


Shut up retard

Yeah, okay.

That's a lovely painting fren, much better than non-frenly art that looks all weird

perspective is a bit inconsistent but the level of detail is impressive

I don’t know why but I get the feeling you will go down in history as a great leader.

You got the perspective riech for sure on this one.

Looking good there fren

Shut up retard

Nice use of colour fren

Shut up retard

Just don't try to take over Germany fren, that sounds like a pretty bad career choice for everyone!