Just go and ask her for be a date always work for me, fren

428  2019-05-11 by Ibiss8


Please not such content here, fren.

What's wrong with it, fren?

Does it hurt you to see Chad

Chad is best fren, always gives good fitness tips and takes u out for milkshake when u feel bad

There is nothing wrong wi g this fren. Chadfren is just giving all his frens good advice. Why so grouchy fren?

Alpha-fren doesn't know about spaghetti -fren problems, but he makes one good point. Confidence is key. Even if you mess up royally; as long as you maintain confidence, a lot of people will still give you the benefit of the doubt.

Instructions unclear, fren, sent to jail for being a creepfren

Unironically be yourself and go up and talk to her fren.

Unless “yourself” is lame and gross, then be someone else

if you need to pretend to be a different person to be around her it won't be a healthy relationship. instead of faking actually try to improve your personality/get in shape

Faking is 90% of social interactions fren

It really grinds my gears.

That’s great to hear fren! Can you recommend me some workouts to increase leg length or chin size?

Pretending to be someone else can be healthy. It’s the first step toward becoming someone better.

Frens, if you’re posting on this sub regularly, you could probably benefit from pretending to be someone else!

Be proud of yourself and be yourself! And I don’t mean fake it either fren. Live a life you can be proud of, and be yourself. If you are a smelly non-fren then you may have to pretend to be something else to sneer in, like a male feminist.

If she acts up just ignore her and tell her to bring da movies.

Chad Pepe

Watch out fren! That cheese is about to slide down on your eyes

its not that it works fren. its that he did it. be you fren because not being you isnt gonna make either of you happy in the long run. no isnt end of world fren, just a word that can either start something beautiful or set you free.


Be a good looking fren

Chad thunderfren

looks good doesnt work

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