Frens I started reading some interesting books

111  2019-05-11 by Firetesticles


wisdom fren

The nonfrens at Amazon don't want you reading that.

Frens are reading "Culture of Clowns"

Careful fren. Non frens don’t like when you think so freely.

intresting fren

Frens are reading it.


fren you might really start to notice somethings about "them" after reading that




FeelsWeirdMan !

Frens are reading a Culture of Critique.

But it is very hard, as I Not See :(((

oh no ... why can you not-see

Very interesting and thought provoking, fren


Vlad Lenin - “What is to be done”

Fren, have you read “The Balkans” by Mark Mazower? It explains how forced diversity caused an entire region of frens to be fragmented and in constant wars with each other. But the media won’t ever let you know about it

Does it hav pichurs I can colur in?

I wouldn't trust that book, fren. I've heard it has a lot of misinformation in it and stretches the truth to fit an agenda!

hmm i wonder who could be behind this post?


hmmm it almost seems as if this sub is actually pushing an agenda. nah, that couldn't be it! it's just about frogs!

i heard its very good, so good in fact that they were scared of what it said and stopped selling it to try and hide the information in it, personally i dont like when other people decide what i should and should not read fren



Non frens walk among us.