I don't wanna go to work today. You can't make me!

122  2019-05-11 by TakeThePoo2theLoo


You must go work for frenbuxxes, fren. We need frenbuxxes for candy and chochlate.

And tendies!


It’s okay I have to go to work soon too fren, we can do it together

Going to work might not be the most fun thing thing to do my fren, but if you stop going to work you might become like one of those non-fren topminds!

But isnt there any way I can make a living by throwing shit at people on the internet all day? Thats all im good for, I have no real skills in life.

Yeah, that's what the topminds do, they collect their NEETbux and fling shit on the internet. Do you really want to become like that fren?

Look into IDF



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