40% of honks commit honkery

0  2019-05-11 by Szabelan


You're right - it's terrible to see the domestic violence prevalent within the lesbifren community :(

I'm actually talking about honks, they are not frens. Despite being the 1/300 of the population the honks are responsible for 8% of male homicidies

It's not homicide when it's self-defense fren :)

It can be very dangerous around some parts when you gotta deal with likely armed citizens bopping you - especially when they're citizens of the 13% that make up 52% of all boppings :(

I don't think honks self-defend, they usually mistake toys for pistos. I think they bop our frens because they are honkler supremacists.


Fren maybe the toy didn't have the orange indicator that said it shows it's a toy? If low-IQ non-frens want to stop getting bopped back, they should stop bopping in the first place!

Not toy gun, a toy, finger or anything. They get bopped one second after the order.

But let's not fool ourselves fren, I don't think you care and you have to be really low iq to believe frengenics.

Fren have you considered that there's a reason they're interacting with the non-frens to begin with? They don't just appear out of nowhere for no reason.

They are probably trying to bop them. Honks are scum.

If they just wanted to bop them, you'd think they'd have a lot higher of a bop count than they do. Man they must suck at bopping then.

How so? 8% of male homicidies is pretty good for bopping rankings. The FrenKorps would be jealous!

Considering their power you'd think the raw number would be much higher - maybe they should hire more non-fren officers since they seem to be pretty good at bopping!

Wow you conveniently left out the line right above that chart:

There were no statistically significant differences between the prevalence of rape, physical violence, and/or stalking when comparing lesbian women and heterosexual women.

(Also, it ignores that this is lifetime prevalence so much of the sexual violence may have come in prior relationships than coming out, but obviously you don’t give a shit about the ground reality here)

It's not homicide when it's self-defense fren :)

It can be very dangerous around some parts when you gotta deal with likely armed citizens bopping you - especially when they're citizens of the 13% that make up 52% of all boppings :(