Can I be a Heavy Metal fren? I drew a rainbow on my forehead to prove I am fren.

51  2019-05-11 by Fuzelop


Slayer's alright. Bolt Thrower is where it's at.

Just checked them out, I always like the music in death metal but I can’t get past the grunting

Glad you checked 'em out, everyone's taste is different. Symphony X is a great power/progressive act with clean vocals. I'm a big fan of the Devin Townsend Project and Nevermore.
Let's be real though, all this stuff is pretty old. A more recent favorite is an album called The Tower by a band called Vulture Industries.

What are you into?

Nothing crazy, megadeth slayer and pantera are probably my top 3 and I like 80s metallica, death magnetic was one I enjoyed but then their last one self destruct or whatever wasn’t quite as good imo. I’m always looking for something new so I at least check out any suggestions


🤘 from a fellow metal fren

🤘 rock out fren!

All frens are welcom!

Real fren support the gay :)

That's fine fren. But...

Before you can see the light,

you must die!!

Forgotten Children, conform a new faith..

Avidity and lust controlled by hate.

The never ending search for your shattered sanity..

Souls of damnation in their own reality

You don’t have to prove you’re a fren. If you are here then you are a fren. Welcome fren.