I'm Really Sad For No Real Reason. I Need My Frens Now More Than Ever :(

166  2019-05-11 by FullTrashMammal


We're all gonna make it fren.

I hope so fren. Thank u for kindness tho, fren :)

Stay strong fren, no matter how much bad times come to you. We will always be here for you fren.

I'm doing my best fren. Thank u for always being here for me. passes tendie box have a frendy-tendie :)

Thank you for the tendies fren! I even already have dewy to wash it down!

Wow, that's such a gud coincidence, fren! Tendies help lift me up, even a little. Hearing it makes a fren happy is even better tho!

Heckin yeah fren!

Heckin yes! Ur a great fren u kno that? :)

Thanks fren you are too

Thank you fren for being here for me. What a great world we live in where we simply say we don't feel all too good and a fren will come out and help us! :)

Np fren

There's a reason for everything fren, for you-fren and me-fren. If you know the reason you will be happier, fren.

I'll find the reason. Thank u fren :)

I got your back fren

Thank u so much fren. So good to kno we have such a great community with so many frens willing to help each other :)

It's okay fren we have each other. We will get through this

So good to kno we are all such good frens here :) so kind!

Go watch videogamedunkeys vid on undertale and it'll be ok

Thank you for the recco fren! I'll try that :)

We’re here

Thank you for the support fren, it means a lot :)

You can do it fren you can get though this tough time You will make it

Thank u for the support and love my fren! I know I'll male it wif frens like you on my side ♡

it'll be okay, fren

I trust u fren :)

We all will give you lots of luv, fren! That’s what frens are for :D

I'll male sure to give my frens lots of luv back! passes box of good boi tendies

We’re here for you fren

Thank u fren ♡


I know that feeling fren. I am here for my frens!

And I am here if u need me too fren! :)

Thank you my fren, its nice to have good frens!

Were here for you fren

Thank u fren. If u need me Im here for u too :)

Np fren

Thank u fren ♡