I got my drivers license today frens

185  2019-05-11 by wingmonkey2


Stay safe on the roads fren

I will, want to go for a drive someday?

Absolutely fren!


Congrats on the license, fren! Stay safe, can I join u frens fur the drive?

Of course fren we will have fun

Good for you fren

Thank you

Don’t drink and drive fren. Only smoke and fly

Haha true fly off into the sunset we will

Where are you going to drive first fren?

Everywhere and anywhere I finally feel free

Stay safe on the roads, frens, the car horn honks, so it may bring honklers

Not the honklers maybe bright light will scare them away

As long as you stay in your car, you should be safe. And remember:

Always check your surroundings before you start driving

Use your turn signals accordingly

Respect the speed limit

Always wear a seatbelt

Run over honklers

Have regular engine checkups

Don’t drive under any sort of influence

Very good advice fren


good job fren! u can drive to mcdonalds and get all ur frens nuggets now

Mmmm great idea

Safety first fren. Remember seat belts are our frens. Congrats!

Seat belt...check.


Watch for motorcycles fren!