The government has saved 10 million dollars a day now, frens!

8  2019-05-11 by TerroristHugger


Can you explain, fren?

Frenrael has been bopped out of existence

This isn't very nice fren.

They are non frens and they take lots of money from us

looks like a frenly map to me, fren

What about Frenlastine?

Same place, fren.

As unfrenly as the prospect is, one has to admit that this does make the world more frenly.

But then we have to ask, is this sort of frenliness the one we need?

This is very unfrenly, it’s missing our greatest ally!

Also don’t forget about the 6 million frens bopped and don’t ask questions or your a non fren!

Towards a frenlier world..