Nonfrens don't like us or our dogfrens :(

107  2019-05-10 by chrisgreely1999


Do nonfrens not want us to find puppers? Why do nonfrens not want happiness?!


Imagine going out with someone only to find out a couple weeks/months later that they spend their free time playing cop on the internet acting like they're saving the world from radicalization and nazism when in reality they're getting angry over wholesome posts about frogs.

Hahaha you think these people date lol

Idk, man. Even soyboys get dates. They are the type of people who only appeal to women due to the fact that they'll act like a personal buttslave for them, and change their personalities on a whim in a desperate bid to please a woman.

I sure as hell don't date, and I have a good looking face but I'm short and a recluse

Valid point. I feel most of these reddit sjws are to far up their own asses to have social interaction

Is it right that every single post on this sub either makes me die of laughter or puts a smile on my face at the very least? I don’t even know what dimension I’m in anymore

I'm the same way. I've saved almost every post I see because I love all of them.


Thought I should point out that u/AnAverageRock was the fren who made the doggy post.

Exactly as planned