Join Politics Club Frens!

103  2019-05-10 by catholicgirl14


that's actually legit? how lovely

Great job spreading frenship through the lands fren!

I'm surprised that got approved. Good work

That's nice fren

Can I get a copy of the picture fren, this is a great idea

My fren printed them for our club so I don’t have the original file

Oh okay fren

hi fren i'm u/catholicgirl14 's fren here is the picture for you

Thanks fren

Hey fren

Hello fren

imagine doing all this for pussy

Not sure what you mean by that fren 🤔

You seem great fren :) Check out r/TraditionalCatholics if you like! It's somewhat frenly

I think you're going to have a lot of nonfrens dropping by

We’ll debate them in the marketplace of ideas

Thanks fren

Hey fren