I’m so proud of my son frens!

27  2019-05-10 by StrikingPost

My son managed to get straight A’s this semester! His first test in his hardest class was like 13% of his final grade and he got a 52% on it. I had a long talk with him about how I knew he could do better and talked him up a bit

His next test he got an 88% on it and was in the top 14 of his class out of 100 people. Finally he took the final and got a 109% while it was worth a whopping 40% of his grade! I couldn’t be happier with him! He had a very unfrenly teacher but in the end it didn’t matter! Just wanted to let my frens here know how proud I am!


Good for him

That's great news fren

Great news fren!

That's amazing fren!

Very inspirational fren!

Whoa, what a smart guy! I hear Germany could do with a new leader - maybe he could run! :)