Frens I just got kicked out of my 109th subreddit... may I join yours?

3263  2019-05-10 by Furscist


109, huh?

What’s a fren doing getting kicked out of 109 subreddits?

Yes we would love to have you as a fren

Thank you fren. I'll be sure to help culturally enrich frenworld!

That chamber over there seems non-diverse

The one with the wooden door right?

it's a white room with black curtains, at the station


Fren, but the Prussian blue. The Prussian blue

Thanks fren. Remember to assimilate


Somethings fishy about this fren

I-I don't know what you're talking about fren. I'm just like you!

Phew ok fren. Wanna see my roller coaster?

Sure fren! I didn't have a good time last time someone invited me onto their rollercoaster - hopefully this one's better.

Yes this one we put the masterbation machine inside the cart! It’s twice as fun!

Oy ve- ...ry nice fren. Sounds like fun.

Let me introduce you to my pets: the bear and the eagle.

My rowwa coasta dose a loopy loop

Doggo talk gets you a 24 hour BOP. You're lucky I'm the one who caught it or it would be much longer.

Thanks for bop non-fren, fren

T'is my job, fren.

You like frenworld bus driver fren always thank the bus driver even when just doing job fren



Nice BOP on that nonfren, fren.

“If you can’t take the bop, don’t do the talk”

What is doggo talk from someone who wants to avoid a bop in the future can I get an example beyond what he wrote fren

I think it’s that owo style fren

Thanks fren owo doggo talk is cancer it gives my eyes aids

All of that gay reddit lingo normies use: doggo, did an oopsie, le which one of you? Etc etc. I’m sure it also includes furry talk with the uwu and owo shit. Also read the rules before posting in any subreddit because chances are you’ll miss some small rule and get bopped for it. Hope you stick around fren

I love this place fren so I’m gonna be here I always read rules I love my frens

Also thanks for the extended answer it helped a ton fren

No doggo talk.


It isn't.


That's questionable....but let's say it for sure was. Does one person's comment make an entire sub anything?

If go to r/guncontrol and say:

"All gun control is unconstitutional, 2a gives me inalienable rights so I should be able to buy fully automatic weapons at Walmart without even having to show ID." that doesn't mean that r/guncontrol just became a pro gun subreddit. It just means one person made a comment.

The 280 upvotes definitely show everyone agrees with this guy

It shows 280 people agree with some portion of that comment. Likely some are exactly what you say, but there's no way of knowing if those even came from Frenworld members. Even if it did, 280 is a pretty tiny number compared to a 47,500. Seems like a big jump to label a whole subreddit as being one thing or another based on some individual comments.

Guys this is not subtle

As a fellow fren, I believe we need to do more to be tolerant and accepting of, honklers, just because their culture is radically different to fren culture doesnt mean they dont have a right to come to this sub.

I'm thinking of some examples, fren. They didn't work out too well.

Fren, I'm thinking about every example in the history of Civilization, and I don't think it has ever worked out.

The visigothfrens and romanfren. The nosefren and palestinefren. The englishfren and everyone-else-in-the world-fren. The russiafren and ukranifren. The japafren and chinafren. The chinafren and vietnamafren. The arabfren and afrofren. I could list 10,000 examples.

open borders to all frens

Did we already forgot the War on Honklers guys? I did not fight the honk for this

Ban this man for hate speech

Woke AF, fren!

"I think there is a resurgence of anti-honkism because at this point in time frenworld has not yet learned how to be a top mind. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Frenworld is not going to be the monolithic subreddit they once were in the last year. Honklers are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for frenworld to make. They are now going into a default subreddit mode and Honklers will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Frenworld will not survive."

Honk Honk Honk don't forget that you're a dipshit Honk Honk Honk

This is not very frenly fren. You should be nicer or prepare for a bopping.

In frenworld, being nice actually means saying passive aggressive shit to other frens in baby talk and honks! I thought you knew! I’ll let it slide this time, fren.


i like our funny new fren

honks intensify

Idk, maybe its not the subreddits but you who is unfrenly?

WOAH WOAH WOAH, cool it with the anti-frenism!

anti-frenism is a mind virus. we must disable his brain with fucking magnets or something.

What's going on big fren?

N-no silly g-... fren! It's widespread anti-frenitic conspiracy theories!

I know how you feel fren

Something similar happens to me when I drink large amounts alcohol, I become like a magnet for hateful and ignorant troublemakers who come and start fights with me for no reason at all

It's very tragic that I have to deal with such nonsense and what's fascinating is that this doesn't happen when I'm sober, which led some conspiracy nuts to scapegoat it on my habits

The real truth is that there's nothing wrong with my drinking, I have the right to drink as much as I want, the problem is clearly some sort of rare curse that activates when I drink, and makes me a target

Why would I just "stop drinking", why should I have to give in to the ignorant and hateful troublemakers? No, I can't and won't let hatred and ignorance of the masses win

We are better than that

Society can change for the better :)

Does something about this fren feel... off


I think he's gonna bop all of us with his bopguns, fren!

109 is wrong, it's much more. EG even modern ask of non frens to leave such as Poland in 1968 (see march crisis) isn't included on the list

243 last I checked. 244 including my large estate and the pillowfort therein.

Hmm so they must be reaaally unfrenly if so many people across the world tried to get rid of them in so many different times? Or it's just my anti-frenlism getting strong again. I must drink some tap water to get rid of it.

359 confirmed, could be as high as 1030+

where is your nose fren?

hm ... you look a bit odd fren. promise not to mess with frensworld financial system or open our borders and you can be our fren!

Fren pls don't take my retirement savings

Maybe you and your kindred should create your own frenostate

We survived the night of bops before fren we can rebuild

That's a good idea fren. My frenostate can be frenworld's greatest ally for the low low price of 38 billion upvotes/year (to protect from brigading non-frens).

Our greatest fren!

We must upvote day and night for our greatest ally!

Seems based tbh

This one is degenrat.

that's not very frenly

That's why frens should be with frens and not nonfrens, fren. nonfrens like BopMinds ban us, very unfrenly


get bopped

Hey fren I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere

maybe, fren... no fishy business

I’ll call the frenstigator to check on you 🤔

Gonna be 110 if you start actin funny fren

Fastest bopper on this side of the Mississippi River.

The good, the bop and the ugly

the fren, the honk, and the bopper

Fastest bop in the weast

East? I thought you said weast!

You have it set to M for Mini when it should be set to W for Wumbo

One bop, one Bopper.


Hello big nose fren!

/u/Cobra_11 what's goin' on big guy?

/u/Art-Vandelay13! long time no see. how's the import/export business going fren? did you get that promotion to latex salesman yet?

unfortunately not fren, the latex industry isn't faring to well right now - however I did decide to pursue my real passion, marine biology.


Yare yare daze

Sure it's not like you will subvert this sub, promote social ills amongst frens, convince us to not make frenlings, or slowly kill our economy for your benefit, right? I'm sure those other 109 subreddits are the evil ones.

ok what no frens he is bad



You may fool everyone, but you cannot fool me honker! BOP

Wait... RAINBOW HAIR YOU'RE A CLOWN, and that's ok we can still be frens regardless of your beliefs. We accept you fren.

clowns are just frens we havent made yet

I thinks hes wearing masks


Fren if you've been kicked out of so many subreddits, maybe there was a reason for it...


Shhhh don't notice things fren

I too was banned from honkler

Welcome to the Banned From A Subreddit club, fren. May I offer you a frenmonade?

Of course good fren, just as long as you are no clown or we bop you



Nice frenly banner you have, fren. Ponies are kind :)

Thank you fren, I agree!

Degenefrens like you belong on a cross

Just out of curiosity, how good is your sense of smell, fren?

Very good, thank you for asking. I can smell precious metals from a mile away! So good that my surname is named after those metals!


All renfays ewarebay I don't inkthay it's a ealray renfay

Pig Latin?

Igpay atinlay*

Oops sorry renfay

Shhhh fren don't let him know

Sorry renfay, fixed it


Yay all frens who hug and dance


honkler is our fren.

while we embrace frenlyness with frens, honkler takes the fight to the unfrens.

it gets messy sometimes brofrens, but that's war.


No you are a clown


109 . heh.

I don't get it fren

you see fren, some nonefrens kicked out long nose frens out of 109 countries. very sad fren


Honk honk fren

110 if you count the moon.

Welcom my fren!


Are you a spy?🤔

I dno. “Frens” like you are why this community got put on the radar in the first place.

Of course, diversity is our strength.


You have a swastika on your profile banner... and the clown. This is very sketchy and I don’t like it.

You’re like the walking stereotype of the brony facist lmao

Thank you Lord_of_the_beans for your enlightening message Lord_of_the_beans

Wow my username sure is wacky hur hur hur r/rimjobsteve r/woooooooshhhhshshs r/cuckholdcommunity

Fren, there’s no need to get mad 😔😔

It’s a joke fren, frenworld is a place meant to be free of reddit faggotry

I’m so sorry for you fren ☹️ maybe you can become real friend 😊

Fren I was here at 300 subs

Facist nibbas b like


We will teach you the ways of fren

"Now lets start talking about letting those frog eating birds into your pond, frens"

Hmm maybe fren. Do you believe in honking?

Having a conservative opinion = hate speech

Naughty fren. U can still come in fren it's ok

109, you say?

Dolly specific number, fren.

Henlo fren

You can come but don't try anything funny or the bop is commin

Frens I sense a suspicion

Frenrael, our greatest ally!

You look odd fren, but feel free to be frens with us. Just remember to be frenly with everyone!

Wait a minute.

this fren doesnt seem so frenly :(

What subs?


Something funny about this fren

I thought honklers were 13% of the population, but commit 50% of bops.

Do not worry frens. I have a way to test if he is truly a frend. If he is a honkler he can not resist to finish this sentence:

Despite making up 13% of the frenulation...

Don’t mind me, fren. I’m just here to fact check the reply

this pic is epic

hmm... are you wearing a fren mask...? suspicious...

Why did you get kicked out of so many subreddits?

13% of frens commit 50% of the honks

Hold up there, fren I think I've seen you around before...

Of course 🤡🌎

By the strength of my stando




This is super subtle, no one will be able to decode the clever and inconspicuous language being used to hide power levels, right frens?

Hello Fellow Clownfren, it is good to see you. Just make you integrate into our new home. Unlike some immigrates, we must accept the ways of our new frens, but we can also keep our traditions alive!

Fren, you smell kind of funny. Luckily i have a special guest restroom with an extra relaxing shower

Hey frens, what's up with all the references to noses and money?

BOP yourself

Why fren?

You're an undercover nonfren tainting our glorious frenpirium with heresy.

Do we not want non frens to know we talk about big noses and money, fren? Why?

I don't care.

Why do you care what happens here? If you want to control what we do and what we laugh at and try to get us banned than you're not welcome.

Nosefren tribe trickery is not tolerated here.

Why so upset fren?

I am not upset, I am just very disappointed that some people can be this hateful for no reason

I don't understand fren. We're just talking about noses and money fren. That's not bad fren! Am i right fren? Thats all it means right fren? Or should i honk my horn louder, fren?

You should take a long moment to reflect on your words and actions. Ask yourself some questions like "why am I this hateful" and "why can't we all just get along".

I am sure even the most hateful nonfren can be fren. I wish you the best.

Why do the frens here get so upset when they're asked about the things they say? Ive noticed the frens here will talk about money, big noses and weird looking fractions (like 13/50- so weird!) to each other, but get VERY unfriendly when asked about what they say. Why is that, fren?

I get that giving frens big sad makes you feel empowered but you're not nearly as important as you think you are and we really don't care.

If you really want to know the truth we are talking about big noses and money to make fun of Catholics and the hoarding of wealth by their Church. 13/50 refers to year 1350. It makes fun of the monarchy imposed by the Catholic Church which lead to 100 years war that was in full force in year 1350.

I honestly commend you for having an alternate explanation. But given the context of the threads here, you're full of it. Sorry fren try again.

The threads you are talking about were made by newfrens that don't understand frenworlds culture yet. They were mistaken like you.

I guess all the people who upvoted that stuff, and the mods who didn't remove it are mistaken too. Silly frens. Honk honk.

Frenworld values the free market of ideas

Unless you're 13% of the population.


its funny you could have at least made the effort of making an alt account.

Why make an alt account fren? I don't need to hide like certain frens here who don't like to be questioned about the things they say.


You get the bop

That’s not frenly to say, fren

Nonfrens get the bop as per fren law

That chamber over there seems non-diverse

Yes this one we put the masterbation machine inside the cart! It’s twice as fun!

that's not very frenly

Thank you fren, I agree!

I get that giving frens big sad makes you feel empowered but you're not nearly as important as you think you are and we really don't care.

If you really want to know the truth we are talking about big noses and money to make fun of Catholics and the hoarding of wealth by their Church. 13/50 refers to year 1350. It makes fun of the monarchy imposed by the Catholic Church which lead to 100 years war that was in full force in year 1350.

its funny you could have at least made the effort of making an alt account.

Thanks fren. Remember to assimilate