Hey frens! Need help. This is Frenna Åkerfrend, if you know anything about her resting place or what happened to her, please step forward (with information). Thank you frens.

25  2019-05-10 by realistwarnow


Did she get killed?

un4chanately, yes, fren. she would have been have been about 13 years old now, had she lived. maybe she would have liked to sing, or paint, or work with animal frens? or take walks in the woods with her frens?

new phone who dis


seriously who is this i need context man

tadpol fren from sweden. in 2017 in sweden she got bopped in very unfrenly toad rage incident.


that’s why you don’t drive angry

was the nonfren caught?

i admit i was being unfrenly

i’m sorry

fren, i understand what happened to this tadpol is very upsetting. But your post isn't apu related. At least have apu in your future posts, and pls keep in mind that while you can bring up and discuss politics here, this place is first and foremost for being frenly.

I deleted it. Thanks bud
