Frens. I'm sad. Girlfren wants to have a break because I'm mentally unstable and she wants me to fix myself. What to do frens, I really love her.

49  2019-05-10 by tijmen707


Find something relaxing 2 do fren

Fren you need to fix yourself for her and you, fren I believe you can do it

Thanks fren. It means a lot

Bop her so she listens fren

She can get lost anyways fren. Won't get a girlfren again in a very long time. Not recommended


Deer Fren, you need to look inside yourself and see what you've done wrong. Maybe your girlfriend has issues too, but you should turn this into a learning moment for yourself.

Thanks fren. That's some sound advice

She should support you not want a break fren /: idk bout this one

She is thinking of herself fren, which is a good thing. I think it's best to end the relationship to be honest. It will go nowhere fren.

Alright friend, well you go on a break and work on your mental health! I've been struggling with fixing my mental health from an ex who totally destroyed my mental state and I recommend working out, it's been helpful

Yes, I am considering picking up either boxing or krav maga. I work out a bit in the gym, but I think I'll enjoy learning a skill more. For now I'm hitting the bottle a bit and going out clubbing to get the mind off it. Thanks for the support fren, I hope you are also able to work out ur stuff. Stay strong fren

That's a good idea, and I recommend making it a routine. That helps a lot too

Play some games to forget fren

U recommend any? Rn im hitting the bottle and clubbing fren. Maybe find another girl. Really got my heart broken fren. Will never forgive her.

These things happen. It will be okay with time fren. Play nice old game like Zelda or pokefrens

Zelda is my favorite game fren. Big fan

Fren, be good to yourself. Always remember that you have frens and there are many frenly female frens!

Thanks fren.

I have fren with bipolar issues, fren, he tried to tell himself all was good, not taking his medicine, and it was very bad for him, many bad experiences, ruined relations. I don't like pills, but that's what he told me at least.

Massive good luck, fren.

Thanks fren. Dont have bipolar though thankfully.

Fren this is an opportunity to focus on yourself and improve. I think she would stay with you if she really cared fren, and anytalk of “but she is looking out for herself” is just rationalization. Don’t make excuses for her dumping you, but you would know better than me if her point is valid or if she just lying to ditch u.

Get better for yourself fren. If you get better for her, then you didn’t really get better at all.

Thanks a lot fren. And your right. it was a long time coming kind of fren. she is with her family now and when she's back from her trip I guarantee she'll come crying. I'm done actually fren.

Go for a walk fren. Clear your mind fren.


My fren, if you cannot see your future with her in it, I advise moving on. Godspeed my fren, there are plenty of frens in the sea

Thanks fren. I got to reversing the negativity. God speed to you too fren

Thanks fren. Dont have bipolar though thankfully.